10 tips for successful launch of your eсommerce website. Part 2

Drupal E-commerce Hacks
4 min readNov 16, 2017

Hello! Today we will continue the topic of the previous article and reveal another 5 tips which you should keep in mind when launching your website.

6. All elements are displayed when Adblock plugin is enabled

Nowadays Adblock plugins are rather popular, they are aimed at concealing ads on viewed pages. And everything would be fine, but sometimes they don’t work properly.

We encountered this problem in most of the projects we worked on. How does it show? For customers, who use these plugins some blocks on the site will be cut under certain conditions.

It happens when HTML part of the site contains a number of “forbidden” items (HTML elements classes containing words ‘ad’ or ‘banner’). For example, if banner with a product of the day contains word ‘banner’, Adblock plugin cut it and a customer does not see it.

To avoid this problem check the site when the plugin is enabled. Take for example the most popular plugin Adblock Plus. Also, ask your developers to check that the basic rules that trigger similar plugins are not violated.
For example, check this one.

7. Rules for rounding-up

A frequent mistake in the development of eCommerce projects is incorrect algorithms for rounding-up of prices. If you calculate taxes, delivery prices and discounts for goods or orders, you should take care that the overall price is rounded correctly and check that it is not driven up.

Check that the main customer journey ‘shopping cart — checkout — order receipt’ and other additional scripts, where prices can be rounded, are working correctly.

8. Meta tags tuning for beautiful view on search pages

When searching for various products through systems such as Google, Yahoo, etc. a customer is guided by a brief description of the product, its title, price, and rating.

People are more likely to buy from sites with essential information like price and clear product description available in the preview because they don’t have to go the site and search for items and prices. They could get this information on the search engine page without going to the site.

Also, there are special meta tags which help search bots to determine the details of each product.

After adding all needed meta tags check your site with the help of Google verification of structured data tool. You will see all errors and previews which will appear on search pages.

Examples of meta tags in Google that are likely to be useful to you:

  1. Markup to your product pages
  2. Reviews

9. Analytics and hiding unnecessary pages from the SERP

The first advice is simple, and most likely you have already done it. But just in case, add analytics to your site. We recommend doing this with the help of Google Tag Manager rather than the classic analytics insert. GTM will be useful for any analytics system. You will be able to manage analytics, advertising, and external services scripts without developers.

Second advice is to make sure that there are no publicly accessible pages on the site that are not being used. Examples of such pages for eCommerce site on Drupal could be pages containing /node in their URL and various internal pages (like www.examplesite.com/taxonomy/term/1 which is a default page of one taxonomy term, and you do not need it to be publicly displayed ).

By default, each element of the site has its own page that can be either a term, a node, a block, an asset or a user profile. Everything in a content list could be found by a certain path if published.

Such pages can get into search engines’ indexes and lead users to inappropriate places and mess with the index (for example, if the content is duplicated on different pages of the site). We also should note that the same mistake can lead to a leak of private information.

As a separate step, make sure that all unwanted pages are excluded from the site indexing rules (either through the webmaster tools or through the site’s robots.txt). You can use Google Webmaster tool to check which pages are indexed and which are not.

10. Sharing main pages in social networks

Customers can share links to products they like to their friends, content managers can make posts with links to the site content on social networks to attract a larger audience.

Typical problems, in this case, are wrong title, lack of image in the preview, and a long and poorly readable URL. You should carefully check that:
- the image is present,
- the description is brief and clear,
- the title is short,
- URL is readable.

Please, notice that this issue is relevant even if you do not have a Share/Like widget on the website. Users can simply copy and repost links.

At least, you should make sure that the essential pages of the site (main page, products pages) look attractive. Get an idea of how your pages will look like in social networks with the help of special Facebook service.

Thank you for your attention! Please, share this article with those who think about launching eCommerce site. Hope our tips will be helpful.

If you have any questions you can contact us on website or by email hello@drupaljedi.com

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