Adding filtering by Nodequeue name in Search API Views

ADCI Solutions
ADCI Solutions
Published in
2 min readFeb 13, 2018

On some of the projects, I worked on I had to build a quite powerful search page made with Views. In order to improve performance, I decided to use the well-known Search API module. Of course, this module helped to achieve great results and everything was good at the moment I needed to integrate Nodequeue in my View. Search API doesn’t have such an integration yet and I had to figure something out with this. A solution was found under the hood of Entity API. Search API can index all entity properties, so the idea was to alter entity properties of my node by adding a custom dynamic property which will return node queues that this node belongs to. Here is an implementation of hook_entity_property_info_alter():

* Implements hook_entity_property_info_alter().
function my_module_entity_property_info_alter(&$info) {
$info['node']['bundles']['node_bundle']['properties']['queue_name'] = array(
'type' => 'list<string>',
'options list' => '_my_module_nodequeue_options_list',
'label' => 'Nodequeue name',
'getter callback' => '_my_module_get_nodequeue_name',
'description' => t('A name of a nodequeue that node is attached.'),
'entity views field' => TRUE,

The following function, ‘options list’ callback, returns all node queue names. This options list will be shown in a views filter settings:

* Returns all node queues which works with property nodes.
function _queue_name_nodequeue_options_list() {
$nq_names = array();
$node_queues = nodequeue_load_queues(array_keys(nodequeue_get_all_qids()));
foreach ($node_queues as $key => &$node_queue) {
$nq_names[$node_queue->name] = $node_queue->title;
return $nq_names;

‘getter callback’ function returns nodequeue’s machine name that node belongs to.

* Get queue name for node.
function _queue_name_get_nodequeue_name($node, $options, $name, $entity_type, $info) {
$nq_names = array();
$node_queues = nodequeue_load_queues(array_keys(nodequeue_get_all_qids()));
foreach ($node_queues as $key => &$node_queue) {
if (nodequeue_queue_position($node_queue->qid, $node->nid)) {
$nq_names[] = $node_queue->name;
return $nq_names;

After clearing cache, on index View Index page tab Fields you’ll see a new field ‘Nodequeue name’, check checkbox to add to index and select type in the drop down list as “String”.

Click ‘Save Changes’ and do re-index of the content. After this new filter Nodequeue Name will be available in your View. One useful thing that this filter supports multiple values.

Originally posted at the ADCI Solutions website.



ADCI Solutions
ADCI Solutions

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