Why you should migrate your site to Drupal

Viktoria Malyshko
ADCI Solutions
5 min readNov 27, 2017


If you opened this article, it means that you want to know more about Drupal, its pros, and reasons for migrating a website to this CMS.

We will consider several questions:

  1. What Drupal is
  2. In which case you can use it
  3. Advantages of this CMS for developers and for clients
  4. And the way Drupal is developing now

So, in this article, we will uncover the best sides of Drupal and you will understand why you ought to choose it for your website.

Drupal’s advantages

Drupal is a popular open source system for content management. In the other words, it is a platform which helps in developing websites. Due to its rich functionality, development of complex websites from scratch with Drupal is very simple and fast.

That’s why Drupal allows to create absolutely different types of sites for different goals. It is used in such areas as higher education, science, and e-commerce especially often.

You can look at several examples in our portfolio here.

Let’s see what advantages a Drupal website gives you. For ease of understanding, we divided all of them into two groups: pros for developers and pros for clients.

Advantages for web developers

Firstly, we are going to consider advantages for web developers. We chose the most important pros which make Drupal so popular now.

Let’s start with the fact that Drupal is not just a system for websites development. It’s a big community which constantly keeps communicating and working on the Drupal CMS improvement. It means that you can find a lot of useful information for your work: excellent modules, an inexhaustible stream of documents and tutorials in a free access on the Internet. Errors are corrected in a timely manner, and the core is updated regularly.

There are a lot of modules for Drupal. These modules make web development simpler, hasten the process of writing code and, consequently, developing the site. There are more than 7 000 modules in a free access which you can use for extending the functionality of your websites.

Advantages for clients

Now go to the next group — advantages for clients.

No matter what website you need Drupal allows to build absolutely different types of sites: social media sites, forums, and sites for searching employees or publications of designers portfolio, for example.

It is important to note that Drupal has a high level of safety. Because of an enormous number of participants in the Drupal community, there is a constant monitoring which provides security of Drupal and it helps to protect your website. So, Drupal is a platform which is checked for errors and bags all the time. You can be sure that your site is protected.

By the way, in Drupal Association there is a team which looks after the security of Drupal and its modules. It means that your website in safety.

The next advantage is a Drupal performance. Drupal websites usually have high download speed and fast response time, it can be important for an online store, for instance. All these became possible due to a flexible system of caching which Drupal provides. This system is involved in a process of accelerating a website.

Drupal also allows to show a broad product range and can handle high traffic. And this means that you will not lose clients because of long site loading.

Besides, Drupal is SEO-friendly. This is due to the fact that Drupal has a lot of tools for upgrading SEO. You may look at all Drupal’s out-of-the-box features here. Your website has a big chance of ranking high in search engines if you will use them. Also, you can use this SEO starter kit for Drupal via this link.

Of course, one of the client’s pros is mobile responsiveness. In the modern world, there is no human who uses only one device for access to the Internet. That’s why Drupal allows to build websites out-of-box which work well on a PC and a mobile device.

And one of the main features of Drupal is an opportunity to manage your website without the help of web developers. Drupal consists of “bricks” which you can move and rearrange for working with content without breaking the site.

Migration to Drupal

Another point is the fact that Drupal develops every year. It is getting better and better. After an update Drupal 8 is still improving, innovations continue to accelerate. And what will be waiting for you, if you choose Drupal for building or migrating your website?

The first thing to mention is the fact that Drupal has an awesome tool for migration from any CMSs or different sources, and from various databases like Oracle. This tool allows to make migrating much easier and, of course, cheaper. Learn more about this tool here.

The second thing is that the contributed modules work excellent, and there are over 4,000 modules in development. It helps to make the work of all Drupalists simpler, faster, and better.

One more feature is site-building. It is very simple with Drupal. You can download Drupal for free and further you can build a website with rich functionality using modules. You can correct content without knocking down your site, and if something goes wrong the Drupal community can help you at any time. You can learn more about Drupal site-building in this article.

Besides, Drupal has become more flexible because of using Javascript technologies. Now Node.js, React.js, Vue.js, and Angular became available for Drupal web developers. You can look how to use these technologies in this article.

Now a site is even easier to update and maintain. There is the possibility of scaling, and most importantly, it’s easy to use and fill with content.

Taking into consideration all advantages of Drupal for web developers and clients, we can say that it is an amazing platform which combines the simplicity and efficiency of work.

Because of the huge Drupal community, this CMS grows at a rapid pace. It constantly builds up new modules, it is updated and gives huge opportunities. It is almost impossible to imagine what will be with Drupal in a few years.

