Brand new features. Flexible design. 200+ theme settings. Meet Catalog+ for Drupal 8

Drupal themes
Published in
5 min readNov 27, 2018

Catalog+ is a Drupal 8 mega-theme designed to help you level up the way you list products, services, and customer stories, with

  • brand new features on top of our standard 200+ theme settings,
  • with a look and feel that’s easily adjustable to different brands,
  • including our custom modules with functionality suitable to a business and listing site that several users have brought up, such as our brand new Countdown and Cookie Consent modules,
  • and, lastly, making use of the great core features of Drupal 8, such as custom block types.

Why choose Catalog+ for your Drupal 8 site project

In a nutshell, Catalog+ looks great, is built on clean, well-documented code and has a massive feature set to help speed up your site building process. Here are some of its highlights.

Save time & effort thanks to the special Content Types

Why build Drupal stuff from scratch? Catalog+ is a great time-saver, with its special Content Types, including: “Service”, “Product”, “Team member”, “Testimonial” and “Client Showcase”, so you can quickly and easily present what’s great about your catalog, products and services.

Save time & effort thanks to the special Content Types in Catalog+ for Drupal 8

Countdown Block Module to help you make impressive announcements

Need to announce a time-limited sale? To count down the time for the release of a new product or service? Do so in an impressive way, with our custom Countdown Block Module. Not only you can set your messages, button text, and timeline, you can even customize the style of the block to make the most of it.

Make impressive announcements with the Countdown Block Module in Catalog+ for Drupal 8

Take control of what’s important in your images

Have portrait images on a landscape canvas or the reverse and fretting over what will your users see in various parts of your site? You can now crop, drag, zoom and refocus your images right within Drupal, thanks to the built-in integration with Image Widget Crop.

Crop, drag zoom and refocus your images right in the browser, with the built-in functionality in Catalog+ for Drupal 8

Level up your SEO game with metatags

Feed search engines with meta information for every page of your website and help improve your rankings. Powered by the Metatag module.

Level up your SEO game with metatags with the Catalog+ theme for Drupal 8

Make it easy for your visitors and customers to reach you

Get your visitors and customers to reach out via live chat or by leaving you a message, quickly and easily. Powered by Purechat.

Make it easy for your visitors and customers to reach you with the Purechat integration in Catalog+ for Drupal 8

Keep your users engaged with the built-in infinite scroll

Let your users view more items per page with the click of a button or automatically. Powered by the Views Infinite Scroll module.

Keep your users engaged with the built-in infinite scroll in Catalog+ for Drupal 8

Cookie Consent Block Module

Required to place a Cookie Consent message on your site, as per the EU cookie law? No worries, it’s now easier than ever, with our custom Cookie Consent Block Module.

Reusable custom block types to help build lots of pages

Designed specifically for the greatness introduced by Drupal 8, Catalog+ makes use of the new Block functionality and flexibility with a ton of regions, and lots of built-in blocks that you can use over and over.

200+ theme settings to customize your site

Unparalleled flexibility with 200+ (yes, 200+) theme settings to help you customize your site, with alternative color schemes, headers, Views layouts, animation options, slideshow settings and more. View demo »

Enjoy 200+ theme settings to customize your Drupal 8 site with Catalog+

Great homepage and landing page designs to choose from

Comes with a variety of alternative homepage and landing page designs with a ton of options: in-page navigation, video galleries, headers with call-to-action, full-width, boxed and full-screen slideshows with support for video.

Typography at its finest, with support for any font

Bundled with the @font-your-face module, supports any font from Google Fonts, as well as the world’s top fonts from premium subscription services, such as Typekit or

Support for video and video galleries. On the slideshow. In internal pages. Everywhere.

Why limit your content to just images and text, when video gets more important than ever? Catalog+ features deep video integration helping you to really stand out.

Available as a standalone theme and as part of our bundle at a heavily discounted price

Catalog+ is available as a standalone product for personal (single website) or professional (unlimited websites) usage. And, for those of you who are building a lot of Drupal sites, often, Catalog+ is also available with our bundle along with the rest of the existing plus 8 upcoming premium Drupal themes, to be released within a year after your purchase.

More info about Catalog+ for Drupal 8 | Live Demo | Hands on Testing



Drupal themes

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