Authentication & Authentication Providers in Drupal

Udit Rawat
Published in
3 min readJun 19, 2021

Authentication is a process of recognizing a user entity by providing some kind of credentials like a username, password, or access key.

Authentication providers are the underlying logic for authentication.

In Drupal, we have two authentication provider in the core

  1. Cookie (cookie)
    Applies globally with provider weight 0
  2. Basic Auth (basic_auth)
    Provider defined in basic_auth module of the core with provider weight 100

But using contributed module we can add other popular authentication providers like OAuth (v1 or v2)

Our Plan

Here, we will go through the development process and understand the general working of the authentication provider


In Drupal, the Authentication provider is declared in, just like other services but with a service tag authentication_provider with few other non-required keys.

Let’s look at the below declaration of our authentication provider.

class: Drupal\token_auth\Authentication\TokenAuthenticationProvider
arguments: [ '@entity_type.manager' ]
- { name: authentication_provider, provider_id: 'token_auth', priority: 100 }
  1. name: (required), the service data manager will use this tag for discovery so it must set to “authentication_provider”
  2. provider_id: machine_name of the authentication provider.
  3. priority: authentication provider weight
  4. global: set to false by default, But if set to true then the authentication provider will be applied globally throughout the site.

Authentication Manager & Authentication Provider

The authentication manager is responsible for collecting information of authentication provider service and for running the authentication provider logic.

It basically executes all the collected provider services on the basis of their weight, where the provider has the highest weight executed very first and the provider having the lowest weight executed at last (Highest to Lowest).

It keeps executing provider service until it has one to execute or a user is determined.

It loops through all the providers collected (global and non-global) and executes applies method of the provider if it returns false (not applies to the route) it moves to the next provider in the loop and if it returns true then it executes authenticate method of provider if it returns null then it again moves to the next provider in the loop and if it returns an object of AccountInterface then it stops looping and authorizes the current request.


namespace Drupal\token_auth\Authentication;

use Drupal\Core\Authentication\AuthenticationProviderInterface;
use Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Request;

* Class TokenAuthenticationProvider
* @package Drupal\token_auth\Authentication\Provider
class TokenAuthenticationProvider implements AuthenticationProviderInterface {

* The entity type manager.
* @var \Drupal\Core\Entity\EntityTypeManagerInterface
protected $entityTypeManager;

* {@inheritdoc}
public function __construct(EntityTypeManagerInterface $entity_type_manager) {
$this->entityTypeManager = $entity_type_manager;

* {@inheritdoc}
public function applies(Request $request) {
return $request->headers->has('X-Auth-Token');

* {@inheritdoc}
public function authenticate(Request $request) {
$token = $request->headers->get('X-Auth-Token');

$user = $this->entityTypeManager
'auth_token' => $token,

if (!empty($user)) {
return reset($user);

return NULL;


There are some more function and logics which I have written to understand the authentication provider. You can find that test module here

It’s a simple module that installs the following features.

  1. Add a token filed to user entity which automatically generated.
  2. Add a token_auth authentication provider which we can apply to routes using module.routing.yml and the REST resource using backend interface (screenshot#1).
  3. Define a REST Resource for exposing a node by node id (for testing the token_auth authentication provider — screenshot#2).

Any suggestion to improve this article and to make it more usable will be much appreciated.



Udit Rawat

Full Stack Developer, Passionate about innovations in coding and mobile applications. []