Podcast Episode #9: Data Science in the Library with Stephanie Labou

This article recaps the main takeaways of our podcast episode with Stephanie Labou. Make sure to listen to the full podcast below or on Podbean. Follow us to stay tuned for more episodes!

For our ninth podcast episode, we are joined by the UCSD Library’s Data Science Librarian, Stephanie Labou. We begin by discussing with Stephanie about her practices as a Data Science Librarian, a seemingly unique job. She assists students with data acquisition and analysis while co-managing Geisel Libary’s Data and GIS Lab. She also engages in teaching through workshops in basic coding, data architecture, and software tools. Throughout this episode, we gather insights from Labou about the Library as a valuable resource for Data Scientists, and tips on producing practical Data Science projects. In the end, she helps students navigate through deciding on using public or private datasets.



Camille Dunning
Data Science Student Society @ UC San Diego

Sophomore at UCSD, Class of 2022. Data science kid and musician, so I’m going for a young StatsQuest kind of character. Director of medium.com/ds3ucsd