Douglass Debs Dinner 2023 Photo Recap

by Joanne Coutts

After a three-year hiatus Detroit DSA’s Douglass Debs Dinner returned on October 28 at the UAW Local 600 hall in Dearborn. More than 130 socialists attended, and the event raised more than $5,000 net to support our chapter’s labor, environmental and electoral organizing, political education, and membership engagement.

Detail from Diego Rivera frieze at UAW Local 600
Co-Chairs, Lauren and Mikal
Looking sharp while hosting their respective tables, DSA power couple, Gary and Melina

From left to right: Dan, Julie, Amanda, Peter, Deb, and John…where are Caleb and Jane? Caleb is home sick and Jane is…

….Jane is hanging with the cool cats, NYC-DSA Member and Keynote Speaker, Stylianos Karolidis (left photo) and UAW Region 1 Director, LaShawn English (right photo).

Mary Grahame Hunter accepts the Lucy Gonzalez Parsons Award for her work organizing the Ferndale Library Workers Union.
Rose presents the Selma Goode Award to Melissa in honor of her dedication to Detroit DSA and her work as abortion clinic escort, tech coordinator, and archivist…and there is barely a dry eye in the house.
Baskets from Tech, Black and Brown Alliance and DSA Merchandise await bidders at the Silent Auction

Special thanks to the Douglass Debs Planning Committee. To Carolyn’s Kitchen, UAW Local 600, everyone who donated an item/s for the gift baskets, volunteered on the evening, and, of course, the speakers. Looking forward to next year!

The Detroit Socialist is produced and run by members of Detroit DSA’s Newspaper Collective. Interested in becoming a member of Detroit DSA? Go to to become a member. Send a copy of the dues receipt to: in order to get plugged in to our activities!



The Detroit Socialist
The Detroit Socialist

Published in The Detroit Socialist

The newspaper of the Detroit chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America

Detroit Democratic Socialists of America
Detroit Democratic Socialists of America

Written by Detroit Democratic Socialists of America

The Detroit chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America, join us:

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