Douglass Debs Dinner 2023 Photo Recap
by Joanne Coutts
After a three-year hiatus Detroit DSA’s Douglass Debs Dinner returned on October 28 at the UAW Local 600 hall in Dearborn. More than 130 socialists attended, and the event raised more than $5,000 net to support our chapter’s labor, environmental and electoral organizing, political education, and membership engagement.
From left to right: Dan, Julie, Amanda, Peter, Deb, and John…where are Caleb and Jane? Caleb is home sick and Jane is…
….Jane is hanging with the cool cats, NYC-DSA Member and Keynote Speaker, Stylianos Karolidis (left photo) and UAW Region 1 Director, LaShawn English (right photo).
Special thanks to the Douglass Debs Planning Committee. To Carolyn’s Kitchen, UAW Local 600, everyone who donated an item/s for the gift baskets, volunteered on the evening, and, of course, the speakers. Looking forward to next year!
The Detroit Socialist is produced and run by members of Detroit DSA’s Newspaper Collective. Interested in becoming a member of Detroit DSA? Go to to become a member. Send a copy of the dues receipt to: in order to get plugged in to our activities!