AI Chronicles — 26th February 2024

Mark Monfort
Published in
2 min readFeb 25, 2024

Another big week in AI and we start things off with this great chat from the folks at Generative AI Insights on the new OpenAI Sora model

And here’s a bit more behind whats behind Sora, and it’s all about GWMs general World Models

Ray Sun breaks down how Sora works here in this 5 minute clip

Move over Sora, Yann Lecun thinks it’s all a dead end and has a better model for the world to look at

There’s more on Sora and just AI in general when it comes to the negative sentiment about AI

Sam Altman mentioning the things that keep him up at night here…and it’s all about alignment as opposed to killer robots

ChatGPT got a competitor in Groq (not Elons one)

More on what Groq is (and the purpose built AI chip behind it)

Great article here from Vincent Koc on upcoming trends in the world of AI — what do you think?

What a time to be alive with Andrej Karpathy putting out this education piece on how the OpenAI tokenizer work

Great video here on the importance of Gemini 1.5

Google AI got a bit too woke and had to be taken down after it forcibly generated inconsistent characters when asked by users — you can get into the issue here

Matt Wolfe goes through his interesting things in the world of AI too

We’ll leave you with this interesting bit of research on jobs as shown on Upwork with an increase in most jobs after ChatGPT came out but a decrease across 3 main types being customer service, translation work and writing with the latter declining 33%

Mark Monfort

Editor, Data Science & AI Association of Australia (DSAI)

More about DSAI

We are advocates for data science, AI, ML and analytics technologies and we help move the space forward with education to help increase understanding, meetups to increase connections and hackathons to empower and motivate the community to take action with these tools. For more information or if you’re interested in getting involved, comment below or email Mark Monfort or Michael Wang at and respectively.



Mark Monfort
Editor for

Co-Founder NotCentralised — data analytics / web3 / AI nerd exploring the world of emerging technologies