Actual Execution of IT projects 👨‍💻

Abhishek Rout
4 min readJun 17, 2020


Note from Author (Abhishek Rout):- Hello coders! This article is inspired by details and information given by an industrial expert during an industrial visit. Following details are according to the industrial needs while planning for a project.

Before reading this out you can check out my previous article named as “Complete guide to plan for an I.T. project”.

How actual execution of I.T. projects happen?

Actual execution is a multi-step process and should be seen as a cycle of development which needs to be altered for all sorts of situation. This includes various steps such as Development, Collaboration, Packaging, Testing, Deployment and Maintenance.

Photo by Zoltan Tasi on Unsplash

Steps of Development cycle:

The development cycle is a cycle or repetitive process which is required for project quality assurance, which makes our project meet the current requirement of the user. This stage is the start of actual execution. During this stage, it is important for developers to follow the coding guidelines defined by their organization. The developer determines the language to use based on the type of software along with customer requirements.

Steps involved are:

1. Development:

Development is a process of growth or new information or an event. Requirements of development: Developers and Task manager. What a task manager has to do? The task manager has a very important role of assigning tasks to others, taking reports, daily stand-up, reviewing the work done and time tracking.

Tools used: MySQL workbench.

2. Collaboration:

Collaboration is the process of collecting the entire work done by developers at one place so that the code developed by one developer can be accessed by other developers for further development.

Tools used: Github(public-popularly used), SVNgit(private-company usage), Intranet message(private-company communication usage).

3. Packaging:

In this process your project is packaged, documented, encrypted and made ready for testing. Processes involved:

Minifying: It is the process of minimizing code and markup in your web pages and script files. It’s one of the main methods used to reduce load time and bandwidth usage on websites.

This improves site speed and accessibility, directly translating into the better user experience.

Obfuscating: It is a process of obscuring the intended meaning code by making it difficult to understand. This is done by encrypting your code so that no one can copy it.

Documentation: Documentation helps the developer as well as a tester for understanding the code and for searching error or updating required in the code for intended behaviour of project.

4. Testing:

Testing is a process, to evaluate the functionality of a project with an intent to find whether the developed project met the specified requirements or not and to identify the defects to ensure that the product is defect-free in order to produce the quality product.

For testing, companies use smoke method i.e. feeding a large number of test cases and see how many of them get passed or do as intended. And another testing is integration testing, it is conducted to evaluate the compliance of a system or component with specified functional requirements.

5. Deployment:

Deployment is all of the activities that make a software system available for use. The deployment is done using cloud or databases or servers where software is deployed and made available to users.

Tools used: PuTTY, Filezar.

6. Maintenance:

Maintenance is the process of modifying a software product after it is deployed or delivered to client-side. The main purpose of software maintenance is to modify(adding new features) and update a product after delivery to correct faults and to improve performance.

How it’s done? Bugs: This is done by bug solving which are caught by client-side. This includes inviting ethical hackers community to test their product for some bounty, as its better to hand over the product to these organizations because hackers can look into all the aspects of the product, which may be missed by the company/developers knowledge.

Communities: BugCrowd, HackerOne etc.

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So, these are all the aspects needed to be considered while developing a software/IT project.

