Are You Prepared For Campus Placement? — Here Are Some 11 Tips To Get Into Your Dream Company!

Prashant Bhapkar
7 min readMay 6, 2020


Little steps in your life are matters a lot to move you towards a successful career. Moving towards your carrier carry a positive attitude and have some patience.

All the students at this point in time, apart from being excited, also is worried about finding an awesome job that will pay well and where he’ll be satisfied.


Now, this is the right time to prepare for campus placement. In this article, I have cover 11 important tips that you should know before going to the actual placement. If you go through these tips you will get your dream company.

Let’s Begin —

1. Guidance From Senior -

Photo by NEXT Academy on Unsplash

There is a reason why I am covering this point first because your seniors are the best source of information about a specific company (the company in which they have placed).

They have some experience with how the placement is done in your college. You should talk and keep connected with them and get information from them like -

  • How the company conducts each round?
  • What are the questions the interviewer asks?
  • Ask them questions about each subject?
  • Ask them about the mistakes that they did and learn from them.
  • How they had planned before placement?

So these are some questions you can ask your senior and definitely, they will be happy to share their experience.

2. Companies List -

List out all those companies that visit your college. Differentiate it based on packages, eligibility criteria, profile, etc. Target your dream company.


Make a habit that you should read some information about that company before going to the placement.

Begin with the areas/domains that the company works on and the common challenges it can face in terms of products/services and their execution.

Dive into Quora, Glassdoor, and other sources for interview experiences with the company or its closest competitors. And always brush up on the products that the company offers.

3. Prepare Time Table -

Photo by Simon Rae on Unsplash

You should make your time table for placement preparation. Make your priority list for coding, aptitude, core subjects, GD, communication skill, etc. and distribute your time according to it.

4. Core Subjects -

Photo by Freddie marriage on Unsplash

Mainly in the technical round, you face the questions related to your core subjects. The main important thing is that you should have proper knowledge of these subjects.

Revise all the subjects before your placement drive. Always keep the habit of writing the notes and it will help a lot one day before your placement to revise the things.

5. Coding -

Photo by Chris Ried on Unsplash

In theory, the coding component of the interview should be the easy part. As long as you’ve practiced on a whiteboard, the hard part of your interview should be developing a solution in the first place before you ever write a line of code. If this is not true, then you probably need to improve your coding skills.

The key here is simply to get more practice coding and ideally do so in an environment where you are getting good feedback on your code. You can try your coding within your group and also practice on some coding sites like -

In the coding round, consider different possible solutions. Did you know that most interview questions have more than one correct solution? However, tons of people find a solution and then they just stop there without looking any further.

You should not be required to know about every programming language. You can select any language to code in — Java or C++. Stick to one language.

6. Aptitude -

Photo by Chris Liverani on Unsplash

For aptitude, you required a lot of practice and time management. These things you can improve day by day practising. Every day give some time to practice it and clear your basic concepts.

In this round, you should know what you’re being tested for. Generally, aptitude tests and skill assessment exercises cover the following areas :

  • Communication Skills (General English)
  • Logical Reasoning
  • Quantitative Ability
  • Domain knowledge

Here are some online platform to practice aptitude questions like -

7. Certifications -

Certifications help you a lot at the time of your interview. It plays an important role to get some extra knowledge and you can elaborate on any concept if it comes from your certifications at the time of interview. Also, you can add these certifications to your resume.

8. Projects -

Photo by Headway on Unsplash

Every company asks about the projects that you have done. At least you should two projects in your resume that show your working experience. You have to know everything about your project.

If you have more projects in a different language it’s always matters in the interview. If you have time now then you should learn a new language/technology and make a project on it. You should do it in your group also.

9. Communication skill -

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Communication is always the main part of the placement. If your communication is not good then you have time now to work on it.

If you have knowledge but you can’t explain the concept because of lack of communication then maybe you get disqualify from that round.

“Effective communication is 20% what you know and 80% how you feel about what you know.”

Great communication requires practice it doesn’t come from one or two days. Sometimes the communication part becomes a separator in placement, if you have good communication skills then you will get selected. The best practice you can do it with your group members.

10. Group discussion -

Photo by MD Duran on Unsplash

In this, the interviewer(s) get to observe a set of candidates and see how they would react in situations or communicate over their convictions in a problem-solving mode. You required clarity of thoughts.

Comprehension of a situation, working through a logical argument, and presenting it adequately are the three traits you need to showcase in this case. And how do you do that? Constant work on your thinking processes and a solution-based thinking approach take time to build.

For suppose if you are leading the group:

  • Introduce yourself & give a brief note on the topic
  • Make a start on a positive note
  • Discuss the pros and cons of the topic and how to overcome them
  • Make everyone speak
  • Support other points
  • If the group members are deviating from the topic it is your responsibility to bring them back

As you are leading the group you need to conclude by summarizing all the points which were discussed.

Few tips for GD:

  • Grooming (appearance)
  • Be a good listener & support or add to the other points. (But don’t interrupt in middle)
  • Speak loudly and clearly
  • Try to be the first and the last speaker of the discussion
  • Be confident while speaking (analyze with numbers if you know & it has to be fact)

If you follow this procedure then definitely you will be selected for GD and now you are eligible for the next round.

11. New Technology -

Photo by Alex Kotliarskyi on Unsplash

Now in the Information Technology field, everyday new technology is coming. You should know something about the latest technologies like AI, ML, IOT, etc because something is always better than nothing. You should overview the latest technologies that show your learning desire.

At last, I want to conclude saying…

Good companies do whatever it takes. I do think it’s important to follow your dreams and do somethings which you are excited by. If you follow your heart and do what you like, you will always do much better.

— Sundar Pichai

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Thank You 😍

