Face recognition-

Prateek Giddaplavar
Published in
4 min readSep 11, 2023

From the invention of mobile phones to Artificial Intelligence, technology has come a long way. And the fact that all of us need to accept is, that we have adapted technology with open arms for easing our tasks at hand.

Face recognition is a biometric solution designed for the purpose of recognizing a human face without any physical contact required. The solution runs through algorithms that match the facial nodes of a person to the ../images saved in the database.

It is a method of biometric identification that uses that body measures, in this case, face and head, to verify the identity of a person through its facial biometric pattern and data. The technology collects a set of unique biometric data of each person associated with their face and facial expression to identify, verify and/or authenticate a person.

Face detection vs. face recognition -

It’s easy to misconceive face detection as face recognition when initially being introduced to the subject. To know the difference between face detection and face recognition, you need a basic understanding of object detection. With object detection, the primary aim of the task is to note the location of a particular object in a visual, mark its limits with a bounding box, and attach a category to that object. If we merely want to carry out face detection, that same process is applied to detecting faces in a given image or video footage to simply locate the position and boundaries of a face. It will not, however, give us more detailed information, such as if the face belongs to an existing database or whose face exactly is detected.

The most popular face recognition models -

DeepFace by Facebook (2014)
FaceNet by Google (2015)
VGG-Face by University of Oxford (2015)
ArcFace (2015)

Use cases and applications -

Device & access security :
face recognition is widely used in safegaurding personal and sensitive data within devices such as phones and inhouse security sytems.

criminal authentification :
facial features are one of the most crucial biometric data that is maintained for identifying and maintaining the records of criminals in the database, this is then used for verifying the crime records of the suspects in some cases.

online payment :
Security also contains safe online payments. Since each face is unique like a fingerprint, there is no chance that your payment will be hacked, as the payment will be made once your face matches.


– A fastest process: facial recognition allows for fast and smooth remote identity verification.

– User experience: facial recognition systems offer a unique, smooth, and fast user experience, avoiding the need for time-consuming office visits or video conferences and wait times.

– Security: Like fingerprints or voice, each face is unique and has inimitable characteristics. Facial recognition systems, programs, or software compare through facial biometrics and facial recognition algorithms.

– Compliance: Facial recognition through video identification is the only method recognised as a standard for remote identity verification for high-risk operations (opening bank accounts, signing contracts, etc.)

Github repo for a small face recognition project -

click here


Technology for sure has matured and is slowly settling into the lives of people due to its usability and has made lives easier. Right from its invention to its accessibility, artificial intelligence is here not just to stay, but to grow and conquer.

face recognition technology continues to evolve and hold great promise in various fields, from security and law enforcement to convenience in everyday life. However, it also raises important ethical and privacy concerns that need careful consideration and regulation. As we move forward, striking the right balance between the benefits and risks of face recognition will be crucial to harness its potential while safeguarding individual rights and personal data. It is imperative that we continue to monitor its development, engage in open discussions, and implement responsible practices to ensure a more secure and equitable future for this technology.

