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Mr. Bean taught me one thing in Life…

Pranali Survashi
Published in
2 min readMay 6, 2020


“Enjoy your own company, instead of expecting someone else to make you happy”

“Man is by nature a social animal”, wrote the ancient Greek philosopher Aristotle. What he meant is that social interaction is an inalienable part of life. But though we may be social by nature, every now and then it doesn’t hurt to give ourselves some “alone time” as a reminder that we don’t always need company or other people to add meaning to our existence.

Putting ourselves first by shutting out our loved ones and having some temporary “me time” Does not mean we are being selfish. This form of solitude can offer notable benefits, such as promoting mental and emotional calmness, which enables us to be more focused and productive.

There are so many little things which I remind me always, that make my day and makes me happy ….

  • Stop trying to change people who don’t see an issue with their actions, its toxic to your mental health. Today is the day you distance yourself from these people.
  • Stop giving people permission, it's your mind, body, and heart and it's your responsibility.
  • No one should have the power over you, God has a purpose for us all.
  • Only we have the power to heal and fix ourselves.
  • Self care is not just doing breathwork and eating organic, its also setting boundaries and protecting your time, emotions, energy, and personal space.
  • Distance helps you to find you.
  • If we don't have standards we allow other people to define them for us. Which means we subject ourselves to less than we deserve, set rules for yourself.

Your Me-Time will help you to create space for more positivity in your life. When you are alone, you can make choices without outside influence. Thus it paves the way to let you know yourself deeply. So slam dunk the negativity out and cut off those toxic people who are contagious. Life is far too short for negativity!

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