Open Source, Hacktoberfest, and HackSquad: A Triple Treat for Tech Innovation✨

Varsha kotipalli
Published in
6 min readOct 4, 2023

In a world increasingly driven by technology, open source software has become the lifeblood of innovation. It’s the beating heart of collaboration, transparency, and community-driven development. This October, as the leaves start to fall, tech enthusiasts from around the globe gather virtually for Hacktoberfest, an annual celebration of open source software and an opportunity to give back to the community that empowers us. In this blog post, we’ll explore the profound importance of open source, delve into the transformative experience of contributing to Hacktoberfest, and shine a spotlight on the dynamic and impactful community-driven initiative called HackSquad.

The Essence of Open Source

Open source software embodies a powerful idea: the code is open to anyone who wants to view, modify, or contribute to it. This principle fuels innovation, encourages collaboration, and fosters the development of high-quality, accessible software.

Hacktoberfest: A Gateway to Open Source

Hacktoberfest, organized by DigitalOcean and supported by GitHub, is a month-long celebration of open source contributions. The event invites developers of all levels to immerse themselves in open source projects, make meaningful contributions, and earn recognition and swag. Here’s why you should participate:

  1. Learn and Grow: Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced coder, Hacktoberfest offers opportunities to learn new skills, tackle interesting projects, and receive valuable feedback from seasoned developers.
  2. Give Back: Open source software has likely played a significant role in your tech journey. Hacktoberfest is your chance to give back to the community by enhancing the tools and libraries you rely on.Build Your
  3. Resume-Building: Contributing to open source projects enhances your resume and showcases your abilities to potential employers. It’s tangible proof of your commitment to collaboration and excellence.
  4. Connect with the Community: Hacktoberfest is an excellent way to connect with like-minded individuals. Join discussions, collaborate on issues, and attend online events to expand your network and make new friends.

HackSquad: Technology for the Greater Good

Hacktoberfest has long been a beacon of collaboration. Now, emerging alongside it, is HackSquad — an equally exhilarating initiative that spans from October 1st to October 31st. Let us unravel the exciting world of HackSquad where the top 60 teams receive swags and more. Here’s why HackSquad is an event you don’t want to miss:

  1. Collaborative Spirit: Just like Hacktoberfest, HackSquad thrives on collaboration. It brings together individuals from diverse backgrounds to work collectively on projects that can create a huge impact.
  2. Swag and Recognition: What sets HackSquad apart is its recognition for the top 60 teams. These teams receive swag and other exciting rewards, adding an extra layer of excitement to your open source journey.

Hacktoberfest has grown from 676 participants in 2014 to nearly 147,000 participants last year. To help ensure Hacktoberfest can be sustained for another decade, this year we’re moving away from a free t-shirt reward to a digital reward.

Doesn’t this give you another reason to contribute to Hacksquad simultaneously alongside Hacktoberfest :)

How do I contribute to Hacktoberfest or Hacksquad?🤔

The good news is you can contribute to both the events simultaneously! Just make sure you register for both the events via going on their official websites and the only difference you would encounter is you can contribute as an individual in Hacktoberfest but would need a team to contribute in Hacksquad. To know more about how to participate with a team in Hacksquad you can refer this video:

Now lets see the steps to contribute in Hacktoberfest and don’t worry they would be simultaneously counted for Hacksquad as well ;)

Step by step guide to contribute in Hacktoberfest

Step 1: Register for Hacktoberfest

Before you start contributing, make sure you’re officially registered for Hacktoberfest on the event’s website. This will track your progress and make you eligible for the coveted Hacktoberfest digital reward.

Step 2: Set Up Git and GitHub

If you haven’t already, install Git and create a GitHub account. These tools are essential for open source contributions. You can find Git installation instructions for your specific operating system on the official Git website.

Step 3: Choose a Programming Language or Technology

Decide which programming language or technology you are comfortable with or want to learn. Hacktoberfest welcomes contributions in a wide range of languages and projects, so pick one that aligns with your interests and skills. Doesn’t matter even if you are a complete beginner you can still contribute and complete 4 valid pull requests.

Step 4: Discover Beginner-Friendly Repositories

Finding the right repository can be a bit overwhelming, but there are several resources to help you identify beginner-friendly projects:

  • Hacktoberfest Website: Check the Hacktoberfest website itself for a list of curated projects that are beginner-friendly. These projects often have labels like “Hacktoberfest” or “good first issue.” Be sure to contribute to only “Hacktoberfest” labelled issues as only they would be counted for final evaluation of 4 valid pull requests.
  • GitHub’s Explore Section: GitHub has an “Explore” section where you can browse trending and featured repositories. Look for projects that are labeled as “beginner-friendly,” “first-timers-only,” or “good for Hacktoberfest.”
  • Twitter and Social Media: Follow the official Hacktoberfest Twitter account (@hacktoberfest) and hashtags like #Hacktoberfest to discover new repositories and connect with the community.

Step 5: Fork the Repository

Once you’ve found a project that interests you, navigate to its GitHub repository and click the “Fork” button in the upper right corner. This creates a copy of the repository in your GitHub account, allowing you to make changes without affecting the original project.

Step 6: Clone Your Fork

To work on the project locally, open your terminal or command prompt, navigate to the directory where you want to store the project, and run the following command:

git clone

Step 7: Create a New Branch

It’s essential to work on a separate branch for each contribution. Create a new branch with a descriptive name for your changes using the following command:

git checkout -b my-feature

Step 8: Make Your Contribution

Now, you can make your contribution. This might involve adding code, fixing a bug, improving documentation, or anything else the repository needs. Follow the project’s contribution guidelines and coding standards.

Step 9: Commit and Push Your Changes

After making your changes, commit them with a clear and concise commit message:

git commit -m "Add a new feature"

Then, push your changes to your forked repository:

git push origin my-feature

Step 10: Create a Pull Request

Visit the original repository on GitHub, and you’ll see a banner suggesting you create a pull request from your recently pushed branch. Follow the prompts to create a pull request, and provide a detailed description of your changes.

Step 11: Await Review and Feedback

Contributions to open source projects typically go through a review process. Be patient and open to feedback from the project maintainers. Make any necessary updates based on their suggestions.

Step 12: Celebrate and Repeat

Once your pull request is accepted and merged, congratulations! You’ve made a meaningful contribution to open source. Don’t stop there; continue exploring projects, finding new issues to work on, and contributing to open source throughout Hacktoberfest and beyond.

Be sure you make 4 valid pull requests and wait for them to get accepted to be eligible for the digital rewards! For any further queries you can refer the video below:

So, this October, roll up your sleeves, open your favorite code editor, and take part in Hacktoberfest. Embrace the world of open source, and let your code change the world, one pull request at a time, while considering how you can also contribute to transformative initiatives like HackSquad. Together, we can power innovation, give back to the community, and make a positive impact on the world through open source and community-driven projects.

