Khushboo Agnihotri
Published in
4 min readSep 20, 2020


No matter what you use as your browser, it could be Chrome, Safari, or Firefox. One purpose they all have is to render your files such as your HTML, CSS, or your JavaScript files into a website that is to be displayed.

HTML stands for HyperText Markup Language. There are many markup languages such as XML, GML, etc. All these languages are called markup languages because they’re based on the concept of markups that are used by editors when they mark up the manuscripts to either specify changes to the author or specify structure and layout to the publishers. For example, underlining a word represents it should be printed in italics.

HTML5 is one of the latest web technologies that are mostly being used in the web industry. Few features that make HTML5 different from other alternatives and so popular among web developers are:

1. Local Storage in HTML5

The HTML5 has local Storage which means that the object stores the data with no expiration date and so your work will be available to you even after you refresh or close your browser. This feature depends on your browser. It will work on Chrome 4.0, Internet Explorer/Edge 8.0, Firefox 3.5, Safari 4.0, and Opera 11.5 or their later versions.

2. New Doctype

In HTML5, you get a new doctype which helps you stay up to date! doctype is the first necessity in an HTML5 document, so in HTML5 doctype is written as <!doctype html>. HTML5 is

SGML based unlike HTML4.01 or XHTML1. If you don’t use doctype at the beginning of your HTML5 file your page will not load up like the structure you wanted.

3. Required Attribute

With HTML5, forms now have a new required attribute that can automatically check whether a specific input field is needed or not. This saves us the effort to write the code for validation of the form.

<input name="First" required="" type="text" />
<input name="First" required="required" type="text" />

4. New Multimedia Support in HTML5

Multimedia can be of many different formats like images, music, videos, records, animations, and more. Through HTML5’s new APIs, you can easily control, access, and manipulate the network and timeline states of these files. If you want to add a video or audio to your site it’s all possible with HTML5.

Want to integrate a audio or video file?

<audio src=”Audio-file-path” controls=”controls”>(Incase the browser does not support the audio display alternative text)</audio>or<video src=”Video-file-path” controls=”controls” width=”400″ height=”250″>(Incase the browser does not support the video display alternative text)</video>

5. Canvas
We can use this to draw graphics on the website in HTML5. Canvas has four elements: a red rectangle, a gradient rectangle, a multicolor rectangle, and a multicolor text. The HTML canvas element is employed to draw graphics, via JavaScript. Canvas allows you to create circles, lines, boxes furthermore as other graphics.
Code for using Canvas:

<canvas id=”canvas” width=”200″ height=”100″></canvas>

Some things that you should know about HTML5 are:

1. To use Html5 you need to have a browser that will support it. If you are trying to open a webpage using an older version of a browser you are more likely not to get unfavorable results. This can be a demerit for business-related websites incase their users are not able to approach them.

2. Most of us want to create websites that are compatible and responsive on all devices no matter what the size is. HTML5 lacks in providing ease in this aspect and so we may have to seek help externally.

3. HTML5 is of those languages which require your constant attention. Some may feel it’s a good thing that there are constant additions of new features to it, but this may change the working of your older code in a long run.

In the end, if you are curious to know more about what all HTML5 can do, a few sources like W3 schools and MDN Docs for HTML will be helpful. You can also check out the official documentation here.



Khushboo Agnihotri

Intern at PwC | Salesforce | Web Developer | Data Science Enthusiast |