Using Google Maps API for Location Picker with Vue 2

Shreyas Malewar


At times when creating apps like uber, which require the user to pick a location on the map we can use the Google Maps API. So let me show you how to build a location picker with Google Maps API using Vue 2.

If you do not know about Vue, I’d recommend you check it out here: Vue

Let us begin.


  • Creating a Vue app
$ npm install -g @vue/CLI
$ vue create gmaps-tutorial
$ cd gmaps-tutorial
$ npm run serve

This should get you an app server running which you can check out at localhost:8080.

  • Obtaining Google Maps API Key

Go to: Google Cloud Console

Click on Library under API & Services

Click on “Maps Javascript API”

Click on “Enable”

Click on “Create Credentials” and select the API key

Copy the created API Key

Editing Code

Install Dependencies

$ npm i vue2-google-maps

In src/main.js

  • Import VueGoogleMaps
import * as VueGoogleMaps from "vue2-google-maps";
  1. Initialize VueGoogleMaps
Vue.use(VueGoogleMaps, {
load: {
key: "API_KEY",
installComponents: true,

In src/App.vue

  • Add the GmapMap & GmapMarker components GmapMap displays the map in the browser window and GmapMarker picks the location.
<div id="app">
style="width: 100vmin; height: 50vmin"
<button @click="geolocate">Detect Location</button>
<p>Selected Position: {{ marker.position }}</p>
  • Declare the following as component data
data() {
return {
marker: { position: { lat: 10, lng: 10 } },
center: { lat: 10, lng: 10 },
mapOptions: {
disableDefaultUI: true,
  • Add the following Methods to the component
methods: {
//detects location from browser
geolocate() {
navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition((position) => {
this.marker.position = {
lat: position.coords.latitude,
lng: position.coords.longitude,
//sets the position of marker when dragged
handleMarkerDrag(e) {
this.marker.position = { lat:, lng: e.latLng.lng() };
//Moves the map view port to marker
panToMarker() {
//Moves the marker to click position on the map
handleMapClick(e) {
this.marker.position = { lat:, lng: e.latLng.lng() };
  • If you wish to automatically detect the location on the application load add geolocate to the mounted hook
mounted() {

This should give you a map that lets you select your location by clicking on it. Now you can extend this component to use as you like.

The complete example can be found here, Github Gist.



Shreyas Malewar

I love to code, but also an avid reader of Military history, Economics and geopolitics.