DSC JSSATEN Instagram Branding

Published in
5 min readMay 4, 2020

Organization: DSC JSSATEN

Duration: 1week

Role: Research, Graphic

DSC JSSATEN (Developer Student Club)is a group of tech geeks from different domains like web, android, design, programming, data science, etc. I am also a member of this community.

So here, the story of the project starts. An evening I was chilling in quarantine🤭 our DSC lead (Animesh Seemendra) message me that there is a work-related to the Instagram handle of DSC JSSATEN. For me, this is one of the most difficult projects not because it is hard to design post and stuff but because of the description my lead gave to me, he gave me a single statement. Create a template for the Instagram page. And that’s all, but when I started the project he helped me a lot with his valuable reviews.


Somehow I managed 2 days for the research purpose. DSC is a worldwide community having more than 700 campuses. And approx each campus is having their own Instagram handle that’s the reason why I stick to Instagram while research period. During my research, I had gone through more than 30 handles of different campuses and a few of the most important elements I drove from them is :

  1. Colours 🌈: There are 4 major colours which are used by each DSC handle and those are Royal Blue (#4285F4), Cinnabar (#DB4437), Selective Yellow (#F4B400), Shamrock Green (#0F9D58). And other than that two base colour is black and white, black for text purposes and white for the background.
  2. Dark Theme🌃 : After Google launched the concept of dark theme it is most common and few of the DSC handles uses it.
  3. Mesh : (What the mesh🤯) Mesh is the thing which is used by many of the handles and one thing that is most important it is used by only DSC accounts, I rarely watched someone is posting content in Instagram with a mesh background. Mesh provides the texture, grabs the content properly and also fills the white space.

Note: All the Insta post cutouts are shown above.☝️

Wireframing :

After the research part done took a proper rest and came back to work on the ideation and pen-paper play. DSC JSSATEN is having a special kind of needs for Instagram because we publish different kind of content like resources, QnA, workshop info, etc. And all should be on the same theme. So I started with the pen paper and then made some basic Lo-Fi wireframes.

Assets :

Colours and Typography are used from the Design System of DSC JSSATEN Core colours are Cinnabar❤️, Royal Blue💙, Selective Yellow💛️, Shamrock Green💚. And the typography used is Airbnb Cereal App. Font size and colour are according to the need like links are highlighted from blue Heading is bolder and bigger in size.


I had done the design work in Figma (the collaborative interface design tool). In the informative section, you can see some icons these icons are from DSC JSSATEN Design System. The main Logo of DSC, Medium, Youtube, etc. are from different sources.

Illustration :

💃Illustrations are picked from the set of Stubborn Illustration Pack and also changed colours for the dark theme from the guideline of Material Design System.

Mesh :

This Mesh is really a big mess !🤕🤒😷

Added a mesh as a background to give the Instagram post a structure and this mesh also helps to fill some empty space. Mesh works properly in light mode but there is a problem in the dark mode on a mobile screen when brightness is low🔅 mesh totally dissolves with the background and when brightness is full🔆 then mesh is overrides the content.

Here comes the Research👨‍🏫,

Let's know the target audience: Instagram page of DSC JSSATEN is followed by an age group of 18–24 years, maximum of them are from Delhi NCR and uses the app in dim light. From this all I concluded that our target audience views the post in dim light with low brightness🔅.

Here comes the Solution💡,

Used the app Figma Mirror to replicate the artboard to the mobile. To be on a safe side I set my phone’s brightness to 30% and designed the mesh, now on minimum brightness, the mesh didn’t dissolve with the background and on a bit high brightness, it doesn’t override the content.

Screens :

These are the final screens of the pots which are posted on the Instagram handle of DSC JSSATEN.

🙏🙏🙏 A special than to all the mates who helped me in this project. 🙏🙏🙏

👉Link to prototype: https://www.figma.com/proto/21nbIJy01qnGtQe9UkDtqd/DSC-Instagram-Branding?node-id=2%3A0&viewport=-4374%2C2204%2C0.2647188603878021&scaling=min-zoom

📷Instagram : https://www.instagram.com/dscjssaten/

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