README — Gateway to Open-Source Project

Jayanth Mogadampalli
Developer Community SASTRA
2 min readApr 15, 2020

Everything begins with a small amount of effort and ultimately hard-work pays off…

When you look at the code written by other developers for the first time, it appears as if you are left in a maze and asked to find your way out. This happens for every developer when he tries to fix issues in open-source projects. But there will definitely be a way to solve this problem. README. This is what comes to their rescue at the hour of need for developers who are breaking their heads before actually diving into the code.

Open Source — Replica of the Software industry

Open-Source projects are the best way to understand the real-world style of working with the projects. This is an exact replica of how you work when you start your career as a software developer. In these open-source projects, we will learn to understand previously written codes by other developers and find a way to solve their issues. We discuss with other developers during this process during which you are indirectly learning to work with a multicultural team.

Even many companies look for candidates who have contributed to open-source projects when recruiting undergraduates for the role of an intern or as an employee. One of the best opportunities to work in the field of open-source software development is to work for an organisation in the Google Summer of Code which is conducted every year.

Welcome to True Learning!

Start by fixing issues that are tagged as first-timers. Nothing should be considered as a waste of time even if the issue is to solve minor bugs such as correcting misspelled words in the project.

Then try working with the projects with the technology you are comfortable with. The first thing you need to do before contributing is to go through the README file and see if it interests you and think about how you can contribute to the project.

Learn, Unlearn and Relearn — Life of Developers

Finally, learning new things every day and working on it helps you achieve your goals. Once you get inculcated to this way of developer lifestyle, success follows you no matter how you began. In the end, results should speak about what you have done in the past to reach where you currently are now.

Please feel free to post comments if you have any suggestions😃✌️

