Create your first Django App — ToDo App — Part 2

Sanskriti Kushik
Published in
2 min readDec 31, 2021

Hello Everyone! In the last part Create your first Django App — ToDo App, we missed the ‘U’ out of CRUD. That is, we missed updating our todos. Let’s wrap it up in this part.

Let’s quickly start the server, and get onto our home page.

python runserver

Firstly, add the URL for editing to and add the edit option in the index.html file.

Since we will be navigating to a different page in order to edit/update our ToDo, we are required to make a new page, that is, edit.html in the templates folder.

Lastly, we will be updating the most logical part of our App. We will add the logic to

And, This will be the final look and feel of the ToDo App -

Home page
Home Page
Edit Page
Edit page

I hope you will fall in love a bit more with Django Framework and make many more apps like this. Feel free to ping me on LinkedIn or check the Github Repository in case you have any doubts!

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Sanskriti Kushik

A strong woman with a young and energetic mind which keeps on revolving around codes💻!