Hosting React App on Netlify🚀

Sanskriti Kushik
Published in
2 min readMar 1, 2022

Netlify is a platform where hosting and serverless backend services for web applications and static websites are available.

As you are reading this blog, you are definitely ready with your React app. So let’s start with hosting your beautiful build.

Make your account on Netlify and log in quickly. Also, run the following command in the directory of your React app.

npm run build

You will find a build folder added to your app directory.

Now, you will find such a dashboard after logging into your Netlify account. Click on “Deploy Manually” to host your project —

Now, pick and drop the build folder in the “Drag and Drop” Sector. Now, guess what… Your react-app is deployed!

Now, click on the green link to check if it is hosted properly. Now, let’s change the site name. Click on the Site settings to do so. You will find a “Site Details” panel with the option “Change site name” — I changed it to “my-sample-app”!

Finally, I hosted my app successfully! Did you complete yours?

You can also host it while connecting it to Github, which can sync your website every time you push changes to your Github repository.

I hope you will fall in love with simple hosting on Netlify. Feel free to ping me on LinkedIn in case you have any doubts!



Sanskriti Kushik
Writer for

A strong woman with a young and energetic mind which keeps on revolving around codesđź’»!