Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2022


What is DSA? Why is DSA so important? What are its perks?

Nowadays we get to here so much about DSA, it gets more intriguing when you here something like this-

Riya cracked a whooping package of 44 lakhs. She solved advanced level DSA problems daily! Her hard-work payed off.”

What really is DSA and how is it getting people such good and hefty packages?

Well well well…

DSA stands for Data Structure and Algorithm.


As the words Data Structure suggest, it means the structuring, organizing and storage of data using efficient methodology.

The different methodologies are:

1)Linear: The method of organizing the data is sequential/follows a certain sequence making it linear.

—>Arrays: These are defined as set or collection of items of similar data-type(int, char, double, float) stored at contiguous memory locations each denoted by an index starting from 0.

—>Queue: Very similar to our English vocab word queue, where the person or item which goes in 1st or stands 1st, goes out 1st. This is nothing but the First In First Out principle(FIFO). Can be represented using array data structure.

—>Linked List: Here the data is linked to each other with the help of a pointer. We can say that data along with its address/link to next data which is stored in a node. When these nodes of various data are linked to each other, they result in Linked List.

—>Stack: Again if we go by the literal English meaning…stack of books…the book placed 1st below gets out in the last. Similarly Stack data structure follows the first in last out(FILO) or last in first out principle(LIFO).

2)Non-Linear: Here, the method of structuring followed is non-sequential; i.e. it does not follow any specific sequence or order making it non-linear.

—>Tree: A tree is a hierarchical data structure defined as a collection of nodes. Nodes represent value and nodes are connected by edges. It has a main node known as its ROOT from where it originates from. Each node is connected to its children via edge.

—>Graph: It is a non-linear data structure concluding set of vertices/nodes and edges. They are denoted by **G(E,V).** These are mainly used to showcase networks of data, path, information, etc.


Algorithm for a particular task can be defined as a set of sequence of instructions.

Taking a non technical example: Suppose you need to defrost some butter? What set of steps would you follow?

Step 1: Take the frozen butter out of the freezer.

Step 2: Transfer it to a microwave safe bowl.

Step 3: Turn the microwave on defrost setting.

Step 4: Place the bowl of frozen butter in it and let the microwave do its magic.

Step 5: Take the bowl out carefully and use wherever needed.

This was the 5 step Algorithm to defrost the butter.

Similarly, one may write to create a block of instructions which is not a code or cannot be complied but a fruitful code can surely be generated if those steps are followed carefully.

Now you know what Data structures and Algorithms are but what are its real world perks and advantages?

Almost every Software development works on the foundation of DSA. What language you know doesn’t matter because you can be fluent in DSA using C/C++, Java, JavaScript or even Python!

DSA provides one the ability of problem solving or debugging resulting in addressing the real world issue and providing an aid.

If one is hands on with DSA, popular companies like Google, Microsoft, Amazon, etc can be your popular target companies.

