Why Python Language is popular?

Dhriti Shetty
Published in
3 min readNov 1, 2022

Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language that was created by Dutch programmer Guido van Rossum in 1990. It was designed with a focus on code readability, and its syntax allows programmers to express their ideas in fewer lines of code. It lets you work quickly and integrate systems more efficiently.

In recent years, Python has gained immense popularity and here are the reasons why:

1. Beginner Friendly

Python language is incredibly easy to use and learn because of its English-like syntax. Python codes are easily written and executed much faster than any other programming language. Due to this ease of learning and usage, it’s often the first-choice language for new developers.

2. Active and Supportive Python Community

The lack of developer support or documentation can hold back a programming language from growing. But Python has no such kind of problems because it has been here for nearly three decades. The Python developer community is extremely active. People can share their coding problems, and other programmers provide effective solutions.

3. Backed up by Renowned Corporate Sponsors

Programming languages grow faster when a corporate sponsor supports them. For example, PHP is backed by Facebook, Java by Oracle and Sun, etc. Python Programming language is heavily backed by Amazon Web Services, Facebook and especially Google.

4. Incredible Libraries and Frameworks

Libraries and frameworks consist of useful code which you can reuse in your programs. Python is quite popular due to its hundreds of distinct libraries and frameworks that make the development work easy. Programmers don’t have to write the entire code from scratch, instead, they can just import a library to do the work. These libraries and frameworks make the language even more useful. Some of the most popular libraries available in Python are NumPy, SciPy, Django, Tensorflow and others that are used for different purposes.

5. Versatility

One more best thing about the versatility of python language is that it is useful in a wide range of real-world applications, such as Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, Data Science, Game Development, Web Development and many more. Python’s broad relevancy enhances its popular appeal for developers, especially less experienced developers.

6. Automation

Python is considered a performance booster in automation software testing. Programming complex technologies normally requires writing a huge amount of code which leads to the simple task taking up a lot of the developer’s time. Python’s tools and modules help automate these repetitive, time-consuming tasks so that developers can focus their energies on other important issues. Python has become an automation standard across industries. Even when working with other programming languages, some developers often write their automation scripts using Python.

7. Interpreted

Yet another reason that has led to this huge popularity of python programming language, is that it is interpreted and not compiled. This means that the python applications can interpret code line by line at runtime, rather than requiring pre-runtime compilation. This helps in the identification of the source of runtime errors, which in turn simplifies debugging.

8. Open-Source

Last but not least, Python is considered to be one of the best development alternatives, as it is extremely cost-conscious. There is no cost involved in downloading or using Python. Also, there are no licensing fees for commercial applications that use Python.

Lastly, Python is here to stay. It has been developing for the past 30+ years and has established itself in various digital technologies sectors. Python’s popularity shows no signs of slowing down, and it looks to continue as a language of choice for the foreseeable future.

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