By Prateek Agarwal

GDSC, VIT Bhopal
3 min readJul 12, 2022


System.out.println(“hello world”) most of you might be aware of what it is. If not then let me introduce you to the consort of all the programming languages, the one whose popularity keeps on increasing as time elapses, if you guessed Java then you are right.

Java is platform-independent, object-oriented, and an easy-to-learn programming language developed by team GREEN. They initiated it in 1991. The language initially called Oak was renamed Java as lawyers of the Sun’s marketing department discovered that there was already a computer company registered as Oak. According to legends Gosling and his team of programmers went to the nearby coffee shop and ended it by naming Java after the erotic coffee variety from Java, Indonesia. Thus form then java keeps on arousing the programmer inside an individual. It seems to be bona fide as the “0xCafeBabe” magic number in the class files was named after the Cafe which was frequently conversed by the Java team.

Before talking more about java lets us know some fun facts which will endorse curiosity to learn more

1 — Discovered accidentally:

James Gosling along with his acquaintance was toiling hard at Sun Labs, around 1992. Gosling and his team were building a set-top box and commenced by “cleaning up” C++ and wound up with a new language and runtime.

2- What is final in java??

Final has four vivid meanings in Java. final class: the class cannot be extended final method: the method cannot be overridden final field: the field is a perpetual final variable: the value of the variable cannot be altered once assigned.

3- Say Hello to Duke

The Java mascot, ‘The Duke’ was devised by Joe Palrang. Palrang is the same person who has worked on the Hollywood blockbuster, Shrek. Duke is celebrated at Oracle. A living, life-size Duke is a popular crowd-puller at every JavaOne developer conference. Each year, Oracle releases a modified version of the new Duke personality.

Now after discussing the fun facts about the Java let’s discuss why one should learn it

1 — To make Geld

Yes, you read it right, java is the most popular programming language and the first choice of the developer community. Java developers are well paid for an instance average salary of the Java developer is USD 83,975 which is huge. Now it is proved that during the time of this economic turmoil being a java developer will be milking it.

2 — Java is the most popular!!!

Java is the all-time front runner for the developer community, currently, there are 9 million Java developers across the globe. Java is stacked at second position in popularity after c but with this, its fame cannot be undermined for the instance according to legends JavaScript is named so just because of the market tactic and deflect attention from java which was the most popular language of those times. If this seems to be a myth to you then let me quote a real-time example for you i.e. two techs. Giants Oracle and Google had a row inside the courtroom over the use of Java in the Android operating system.

3- Most favored user interface

In one year approximately 1 billion people downloaded java moreover today 95% of the enterprises adopted it as their primary language. Presently, about 3 billion mobile phones are working in Java along with 125 million TV sets and each Blu-Ray player. Even the tech lord uses Java in their API.

Java is omnipresent, from the datacentres to gaming consoles and from education to app development.

Games like Minecraft, Mission Impossible III, and Asphalt 6 are programmed in Java even the famous music listening application and micro-messaging apps that are Spotify and Twitter respectively are written in Java. Java is not limited to messaging and gaming apps but during the time of widespread corona virus it is securing people from lethal Covid-19 disease. At this point you will be thinking that am I joking? But no, the famous app Aarogya Setu is 53.4% programmed in Java.

Java is also one of the most secured languages as it eliminates the use of pointers which compromises the security of data.

So in every respect, Java is an ideal programing language, its advent to distribute things on the internet and “look and feel” similar to C++ programming language has contributed to building its fame. Thus this is adequate to refer to java as the sole of the programming.

