Women Empowerment through WTM

pratibha tiwari
Published in
3 min readJan 12, 2021

WTM or The Women Techmakers community by Google is an only women community that primarily focuses on empowering women through creating a position for them in the space of technology. With Women Techmakers, Google takes an initiative towards providing a healthier community to women where they can learn, educate, create, and express freely and develop newer technologies for the world. Women come forward in the field of technology as a community by helping each other.

WTM Logo

Google Women Tech makers brings women in technology together as a community, provides them with the necessary resources to shape up their career in the digital space.

Encourages female talents by providing them the necessary recognition, which inspires other budding creators as well. Thousands of women from every corner of the world come together, tell their stories, share their experiences, and outshine together.

Let’s look at the six major components of Google’s dedicated program to help women thrive in the field of technology.

Members of WTM get to interact with other professionals, students, and experts in various fields. Thus WTM membership empowers women to learn, create, and achieve better opportunities.

Techmakers ambassadors are the leaders of this community from different zones of the world. They are people who believe to bring gender equality in the industry and they are flag holders of the community around the globe.

Ambassadors are invited to various events and summits, they are provided with exclusive content to educate and grow their community.

Initiatives under WTM are taken to enhance women’s position in the technology industry. Various scholarships are provided to empower and educate women learners with a weak economical background. Other initiatives like educating in rural areas, funding, and creating awareness are taken in WTM to ultimately remove the gender inequality barriers.

The events in Women Techmakers are hosted every year, from hack-a-thons and summits to community-based meet ups where the primary focus is to collaborate and educate women in various skills so that they can excel in the technology space.

200 annual events in 52+ countries have been organised on International Women’s day with immense grandeur to celebrate women’s empowerment in technology. An annual event that symoolizes honour and contribution of women in technology, and an event to provide due recognition to those who are continuously thriving to bring a significant change in the industry work system.

Google’s community for women comprises learners from all age groups including students, researchers, professionals, educators, and different people who contribute to the industry. Therefore multiple Hack-a-thons and competitions are organised to maintain a healthy competitive spirit, enhance a zeal to learn, and bring out the talents that the industry needs to flourish well.

Women Techmakers is a commendable initiative by Google that works on the view that women’s collaboration matters and women have a unique mindset that can benefit the technology space. It establishes a community with members from around the globe who interact to develop a more skilled workforce.

Even at DSC VIT Bhopal, we look forward to maintaining a healthy gender ratio for which we identify and include women who are excelling and willing to grow in space of technology. In the core team we have 30% female members, also, the Outreach Team and Content Team are led and run by women.

Thus, we develop a more diverse and inclusive work and learning culture at DSC.

To know more about WTM hop on to : https://www.womentechmakers.com/

