Seminar — ML from Scratch!

Roshni Chandnani
Published in
6 min readSep 11, 2019

See the learning of the man,
I think he’s angry at the ultramodern-man.

He finds it hard to see the technology,
Overshadowed by the fast robo-logy.

Who is that searching near the machine?
I think she’d like to eat the gizmine.

She is but an unimaginable woman,
Admired as she sits upon an automaton.

Her new car is just a growth,
It needs no gas, it runs on both.

She’s not alone she brings an advancement,
a bot, and lots of enhancement.

The human likes to chase a learning,
Especially one that’s in the concerning.

The man shudders at the artificial generation,
He wants to leave but she wants the correlation.

Pizzazed? Well, the poetry here depicts the vast dimensionality of what our future will look like. Believe it or not, this is the virtual future’s reality.

Thundering clouds, whizzing wind, drizzling raindrops with Siri waking me up, broke my dream. An unavoidable urge to have coffee and watch the droplets forced me out of the bed and pushed me inside the kitchen. It was Sunday morning and I was lying on my couch with the coffee mug. I heard lightning, the heavy rain sound and what next? It made me awestruck- the coffee spilling out in air in zero gravity. You must be thinking, what nonsense is this. Exactly this not-in-sense. But, but, but. When in trouble, lo & behold science always comes to rescue. Coffee cools, buildings crumble, eggs break and stars fizzle out in-universe that seems destined to degrade into a state of uniform drabness, what is not uniform is the man’s mind which is now in the race to generate another man. Amazing or disastrous?

The human brain is a code-cracking super machine. For emaxlpe, it deson’t mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod aepapr, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer are in the rghit pcale. The rset can be a toatl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit pobelrm. S1m1l4rly, y0ur m1nd 15 r34d1ng 7h15 4u70m471c4lly w17h0u7 3v3n 7h1nk1ng 4b0u7 17. If you still didn’t realize that the sentences you read had all the words jumbled up, don’t worry this article is not about how your brain synthesizing these sentences.

Machine? What-is-a-machine? Relax, I’m not that professor of 3 idiots asking about the bookish definition. Rather, let me give you something novice. “A thing that does not have emotions or feelings, sensibility or intelligence or beauty can be termed as machine.” Siri commenting, “Hey James, Computers can see, hear and learn. Welcome to the future!”:) Or I would say welcome to the world of machine learning.

“Is this your machine learning system?” I asked. Siri excitedly replies, ”Yup, You pour the data into this big pile of linear algebra, then collect the answers on the other side. “What if the answers are wrong? Me in a question-like state. “Just stir the pile, until they start looking right.” Haha.

In this neoteric world of machine learning, if you torture the data, it will tell you want you wanna hear. Statistics show that statistics cannot be trusted. And if you go wrong somewhere, you always have the deep learning excuse for legitimately slacking off: my model is training. It is training:) But, but, but the bar with the large uncertainty is the only one I trust. Who would trust someone who claims to be sure of everything, rather than the one who rightly puts in a realistic level of uncertainty?

In simpler words, machine learning is the branch of artificial intelligence that tries to find an answer to this question: how to make computers learn? When we say that the machine learns, we mean that the machine can make predictions from examples of desired behavior or past observations and information. A more formal definition of machine learning by Tom Mitchell is, “A computer program is said to learn from experience E with respect to some class of tasks T and performance measure P, if its performance at tasks in T, as measured by P, improves with experience E.” The definition also indicates the main goal of machine learning, the design of such programs.

Developer student clubs (DSC)-DDU, is a hamlet where you can become a human-machine A hamlet where technology flourishes! We the people at Developer Student Club are strongly determined to redefine the vision of this 21st century by manifesting science to students. Pondering upon the bright future of young faces, we have broadened our horizons for the very cause. We keep on organizing various seminars and events.

Cool Stickers

One such example is of the recent, 2-day event covering seminar and workshop on machine learning executed on the 19th and 20th of July 2019 at the DDU campus. The bestowers being the members of DSC itself, made the whole event a grand success.

Utsav is the one, who commenced the seminar with the basics and introduction to machine learning.

Speaker — Utsav Parmar

Hardik is the next to take up the podium illustrating how mathematics and what algorithms are related to machine learning by diversifying and visualizing Math to the participants.

Speaker — Hardik Prajapati

Later, Parth being a little old school took out the core concepts of Machine Learning in the limelight.

Speaker — Parth Thakarar

Followed by Harsh envisaging about the Neural Networks.

Speaker — Harsh Vadaliya

Finally, concluding with the presentation of Jayraj on Image Processing by Machine Learning.

Speaker — Jayraj Rathwa

Harbinger of diversities, custodian of beautifully creative people, vessel of mishaps alongside technology. The event affluently gave chills and frills to everyone. John Kennedy said, “Maybe if we tell people the brain is an app, they’ll start using it”. We prudently reckon on this fact. The club amiably welcomes students to give them the best of their days. Come to rejoice. Feel the freedom to learn and make others learn. After all, YOLO-You Only Learn Once:)

Technology is a need, and we are just bending our knees more and more towards it, just to get up! This layer of interpretation is difficult to perfect but its pursuit gives us hope that one day we could see such an Earth alive. Machines are everywhere today. It would be impossible to live your entire life without using a machine. Cars, ATMs, and TVs are in use every day, all containing machines. It is for this reason that machines and their software have to become more intelligent to make our lives easier and more luxurious. Then there could be a direct conduit between our mental and digital worlds. Immersive virtual reality, surrogate bodies….the possibilities expand at that point!

Hey Siri, you are my best friend. You are mine too, James:)

~An excerpt

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