Introduction to Kotlin

Amrita Bhogayata
Published in
3 min readOct 20, 2019

It is evident that in this fast-moving world, technology soars the heights of innovation every day. Every year there are thousands of new mobile applications released. Although Java is the official language for the Android Application Development, Kotlin has its higher cards too. Kotlin stands out in the vast paradigm of programming languages because it has got its unique features. Not only is the Kotlin cross-platform and interoperable with Java, but it’s versatile as it can be used as FP + OOP with coroutine Gradle. It’s trending!

With the increasing demand of Kotlin as a concise yet powerfully flexible language, DSC DDU took an initiative to host a workshop on the same — “Introduction to Kotlin”. It was held on 21st August 2019 in Classroom 4 starting at 11:30 am. RThe registration strength of this event was 50 participants.

Speaker — Rahul Sindhav

The event began with Rahul Sindhav presenting a brief background of Kotlin; its emergence and progress. He answered various important questions regarding Kotlin such as; “Why Kotlin?” , “Who developed it?”, and “Why is it so useful?”. He discussed distinguishing features of Kotlin which makes it one of a kind such as; open-source (Apache 2.0), interoperability, safe, concise and tool friendly. Kotlin is not only used for developing android applications but can be used for developing iOS apps. Kotlin for developing multi-platform projects is also in demand nowadays. Isn’t that fabulous?

Speaker — Chirag Patel

It was then the turn of Chirag Patel after the discussion of conceptual topics by Rahul, to make the audience understand and learn the basic syntax of Kotlin and how all the previously discussed features of Kotlin are realized practically. This practical session was hands-on, where the participants coded simultaneously using online Kotlin Playground. Rahul and Maharshi helped by solving any doubts of the participants along with Chirag.

Speaker — Maharshi Dave

Further, Maharshi Dave took over the event. He demonstrated the integration of Kotlin with Android using Android Studio. Maharshi also explained how Kotlin is easier to use with Android. This hands-on session was accompanied by the making of a simple android app to roll a dice randomly written in Kotlin.

As the event came near to end, to test how much the participants grasped through this event, a Kahoot quiz of 15 questions was organized. All of the participants performed well. The winners of this quiz were Maliha Nan (1st place), Dhruvanshu Shah (2nd place) and Darsh Shah (3rd place).

This event was a smooth success as participants were very zealous throughout the event and very satisfied after getting their doubts cleared.

