Introduction to TensorFlow and AI Design

Hetvi Purohit
Published in
3 min readMar 10, 2021

Only one quarter of the workforce in the tech field are females. Even in the top 5 companies (Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Microsoft) employees in the range of 25–35% are females. There are many reasons for the same. It can be due to age old patriarchy, lassies being afraid to get into male dominant field of engineering, yada nada. But here we are, with our classes filled with females too, which itself is an advocate to how things are changing. To honor this change and promote it, the female members of DSC DDU and MLSA collaborated for a 2 workshop series. And which better day to do this than the International Women’s Day.

The first event of this series was — “Introduction to TensorFlow and AI Design”. It was held on the 7th March on Google Meet platform. Avina Vekariya welcomed the participants with the brief idea behind the event series and introduced the speakers. The first speaker of the event, Sanjana Purohit started with a quick overview of the workshop. She introduced the audience to Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning. This served as the base for the workshop.

Next speaker, Devanshee Vankani took over and continued to explain the Neural Network. She then hopped on to prediction in ML along while keeping the audience in the loop by asking them to join in this entire process. Later she elucidated technical jargons related to ML and AL. This was followed by a hands-on session on TensorFlow.

The practical session was performed on Colaboratory. It started with importing TensorFlow, downloading MNIST dataset, and preprocessing the data. All the codes involved in the practical session were parallelly shared in the chat section of the meet so that the audience can keep up with the speakers. This was supervened by the theoretical explanation of the same.

Sanjana then stepped in and continued the hands-on session of training model, accuracy and prediction. Just like before, the practical session was followed by the theoretical explanation.

Back and forth between Devanshee and Sanjana other topics like human centered AI, AI guidebook and model confidence were covered.

To celebrate the Women’s Day, the last segment of the workshop was dedicated to give useful resources for female students. This was hosted by Hetvi Purohit. She introduced the audience with scholarship and internship programs dedicated to boost female students.

In the end, would quote a world renowned female icon “Who run the world?”

Resources :



Hetvi Purohit
Writer for

I watch movies to get an insight of everything and later use them as an excuse for my unreasonable behavior