WORKSHOP — ML from Scratch!

Amrita Bhogayata
Published in
3 min readSep 11, 2019

“To the never-ending cup of data and the forever increasing thirst for knowledge.”

Machine Learning, a subset of Artificial Intelligence; focused on realizing the power of AI concepts programmatically. In layman terms, ML is the technology that bestows machines with the power of “prediction”. The first thought could, “Yeah, it all sounds cool but how is all this done?” Well, for imparting knowledge on the same, Developer student clubs (DSC)-DDU conducted a two days event on Machine Learning, called “Machine Learning From Scratch”.

The first day was a seminar, where the members of the DSC DDU club got all the concepts of machine learning cleared. At the end of the seminar a small evaluatory test, helped students check the level of understanding. According to the eligibility of the test, students were then invited to the second day of the event.

Participants at the workshop

The second day was a workshop. At the beginning of the workshop, Jayraj Rathwa revised the topics taught the day earlier at the seminar. He thoroughly explained the mathematics behind Neural Network and how they reach to the level of accuracy using MNIST DataSet.

Jayraj Rathwa explaining core concepts

Kaushal Rohit took over the workshop from there getting into the details of implementation from scratch, hence the name. All attendees of the workshop were informed about the tools and libraries to use to proceed with the practicals. The hands-on sessions were really interesting, as well. Each participant was guided well by the co-ordinators.

Kaushal Rohit demonstrating the practical sessions

As the workshop came to an end, Anmol Saxena and Nemish Sangani were called upon the platform to share their experiences as interns in the field of Machine Learning. They both gave amazing insights into the industrial application of ML. They showcased their summer internship projects to the audience which raised a lot of curiosity and enthusiasm in them.

Coordinator — Parth Thakkar solving doubts

In the end, the discussion on the future possibility of ML and AI as known to be infinite made the audience determined in their efforts towards ML.

This was just a mere glimpse of the yet emerging but most demanded technology for the year 2019 and future as well. The extensibility of this field is endless and here at DSC DDU we make sure that the attendees of our events get the maximum benefit of learning more and more.

As the machine is learning, we hope the human learns even more in this endless journey of evolution. The only difference is we now have a companion to share this success with.

