Hacked The Solution…… 👨‍💻👩‍💻

Gauransh Kumar
Published in
5 min readApr 1, 2021

This is my continuation blog of #hackthesolution and today I will be sharing my journey of Hacking (of course not like Neo LOL 😂!) at Hack The Solution with my Team GARUDA

So the Hackathon started with an Opening ceremony and all the teams were told about the complete flow of the Hacking and all the teams started.


In Round 1 all the teams have to submit a proposal of their ideas as a Presentation (Sounds easy 😁) but we have to make our best attempt in making the presentation as this is the first round and only TOP 25 teams have to be selected out of 117 teams 😬.

Thanks to my teammates for making a really good presentation of our idea and luckily we were selected in the TOP 25 🎉

So after the results, all the Top 25 teams have to work on their prototype and so we do but wait… is that all 🤔

Noooo…., thanks to the organizers for making this online event as interesting as the offline one by organizing the GAMES

So after the Game Session, the teams were also invited to an amazing Workshop on How to Build a Cloud-Connected AR/VR App by Alon Grinshpoon, Founder & CEO @ echoAR


After so many fun activities and learning its finally the time of some code and magic ☕👨‍💻

So, the second round was started just after the results of Round 1, and all the teams have got the whole night to do the magic and create a prototype of their idea after which we need to submit the prototype on the morning of Day-2.

I and my team started working on the project and we had a great time developing the project. I myself learned a lot of stuff that I don’t know about before. Also, I believe that whosoever is participating in a hackathon not only thinks about using the things they know but also learns something which they don’t know.

Finally, all the Top 25 teams have submitted their Prototype and presented it in front of some amazing mentors. This is a great learning point for us and hopefully for others as the mentors are providing us with some amazing tips on how we can improve our prototype to make it much better.

After the presentation of every team, the Top 10 teams were shortlisted in Round 2, and Guess What???

We were in the Top 10, Hoorraaayyyy🥂🥂


Finally, after so much excitement and fun we were in Round 3.
In this round, the selected Top 10 teams were given 3hrs more to enhance the prototype based on feedback from the mentors and finally demonstrate the prototype in front of Judges.
I would say that this was the most thrilling and exciting part for me as after almost 36 hours of work it’s time to show it to some of the highly knowledgeable and experienced judges.

So, we presented our prototypes in front of the Jurey and got some amazing tips and optimizations to take our Solution a step further.

So, after the presentations, all we need to is to wait for the Results 🤞🤞


Finally, after 2 Days full of experiences, joy, fun, excitement, and learning #hackthesolution is about to end and all the teams were eagerly waiting for the results and so am I.
When the results were announced I just couldn’t believe it for a while as our Team GARUDA is the Winner and selected as 1st out of 117 teams.**


In last I just wanted to share that I have been part of various hackathons but one thing that I really appreciate about the organizers is that even the event being online is managed so well that sometimes offline hackathons couldn’t.
Most importantly the organizing team has put their heart and soul to make this event a great success and as per my personal experience, they did it really well from managing events in time to engaging the participants in various events.

#hackthesolution for me is one of the best hackathons I have ever been part of and would love to be a part of this next time as well.

Finally, To everyone who is reading this, you have the spirit to make a difference in the world and I believe one day you will be successful in whatever you are doing so never stop and always participate.

Happy Hacking ❤️👨‍💻

Originally published at https://dev.to on April 1, 2021.



Gauransh Kumar

Mitacs GRI’22 @ University dé Montreal | Ex — Technical Staff Intern @ AIcrowd | CKAD | 2x LiFT Scholarship’20, 22 | Ex — Intern at DRDO’20