The DSC Hangout: A Review

Esther Nmawanyi
Published in
5 min readNov 4, 2018


On the 31st of September 2018, the Developers Students Club (DSC) of the University of Port Harcourt (Uniport) had her first official hangout. This hangout was to serve as an avenue for DSC members to come together, connect with other DSCs across the region, interact, share ideas, exhibit digital products, learn from tech experts and have fun. Being the first official hangout hosted by DSC Uniport, a lot of things were put in place to make the event a memorable first experience.

The event which held at NLNG hall, Uniport was scheduled to begin at 11AM, but because of the unpredictability of Nigerian time, the programme kicked off at 11:45 AM with a “connect session” wherein all attendees introduced themselves. A Twitter challenge was announced and this was followed by an opening remark by the host, Ray The Nerd .

Peace Ojemeh (Perrie) our MC and first speaker, held everyone spellbound with her flawless delivery on “Human Centered Design” (HCD). Drawing from Donald Norman’s User Centered Design (UCD), she was able to explain the need for a design system tailored toward solving human related problems, the UCD process and methods of achieving a responsive HCD. She ended her delivery by introducing all attendees to Open Source.

Ndubuisi Onyemenam, Mr Newbie++, was the next to mount the stage and he spoke on “Opportunities of Web Development”. By explaining what web development entails (front end+back end), he delved into the different opportunities in web development such as: internship, hackerthons, high paying jobs etc. Although this delivery was impromptu, he used his three years experience as a newbie++ to carry his audience along throughout his delivery, so that even when he asked a question and randomly picked someone from the audience to answer, the person answered correctly. His discourse ended with some advice to tech newbie s- -.

Derek Vinebo in a panel session with Ndubuisi Onyemenam talked on “The voice of PHP”. This session was geared towards convincing the audience to see reasons why PHP is awesome, although it is always placed at the background. They later engaged the audience in a small debate which was won by the PHP advocates.

Following their presentation was a question and answer (Q/A) session moderated by Peace Ojemeh (Perrie). An interesting aspect of this session is the inclusion of the audience in answering the on-screen questions. Interesting right? That’s why it’s a hangout anyway 😉

Ray The Nerd resumed presence on stage by talking extensively about Flutter. Flutter is a framework for creating mobile apps with a programming language called dart.

Do you know what differentiates a whitehat from a grayhat or blackhat?😏

Engr. Daniel Ekpa, a certified Cisco Cyber security expert spoke on the need for “Cyber Security”. His discourse exposed possible threats affecting the cyber world, thus raising the need for Cyber cops. A TED video which further explored the topic was played. What more? All attendees were enrolled on a paid course in cyber security.😁😁 Amazing right???

Did you know that hotspot is a region in space where people can connect to wireless network?😃 Now you do.

Another Q/A session which was followed by DSC connect.

DSC connect featured …

  • Testimonies from DSC Uniport members such as, Tammy Ogurinka Benjamin, Favour Vivian and Jason Ofua
  • Exhibition of digital products by members of DSC Uniport such as;
  1. T-virus by Providence.
  2. Skill Advert by Derek Vinebo and Tammy Ogurinka Benjamin.
  3. Helpie by Jason Ofua .

Komal Sandu and Solomon AWOSUPIN representatives of the google team, spoke next. While Solomon AWOSUPIN related his experiences as a student and how this shaped him to become a better person,thereby encouraging DSC members to persevere in whatever they are doing, Komal spoke on the rise of DSC as well as its achievement so far. Student were then given the chance to air their worries (light, data, conducive environment, hunger etc.) to these reps so that they will be addressed by the appropriate body and more achievement will be recorded in the coming year.

DSC is in its first year but already have 311 leads globally and 60 leads in sub sahara Africa. Do you want to be a part of this team? The good news is that you can!! DSC Uniport holds her meetup on the last Saturday of every month at computer lab 2, Basic unit, Abuja campus. Attend a meetup, connect and feel the awesomeness!!😎😎

The event ended with a presentation of prize to the winners of the Twitter challenge: Jude Okoroafor @dBlackLagosBoy and Samuel Woniowei @Shmuelky, a brief closing remark by Ray The Nerd and a picture session.

Everyone who attended had something pleasant to say about the entire program. Some who came with doubts had their doubts cleared while others went home refreshed. No wonder many took to twitter to express their joy. You can check it out:

This event wouldn’t have been successful if not for proper planning and execution. Thus, with hearts full of appreciation we say thank you to the organiser, Ray Okaah and his team, Code Club Board. Again our thanks also go to the awesome speakers, google team represented by Solomon AWOSUPIN and Komal Sandu, members of DSC Uniport, DSC leads from Imo, Uyo, Enugu, Cross River, Bayelsa, Rivers State University, especially Ndubuisi Onyemenam for his impromptu delivery, and all attendees.

You all were amazing😘😘😘😘 and we hope to see you all and more in the next hangout. Including you reading this article, see you in DSC hangout 2.0 ☺☺



Esther Nmawanyi

Feminist, word phantom, voracious reader,Tech newbie!