A to Z for US Masters Applications.

Here are five steps to get your application sent safely and accurately :)


A. Select the exams to give.

Almost all universities need TOEFL/IELTS scores for international students. Even though GRE is optional, having a GRE score would be better as the number of colleges to apply to increases. So while narrowing down the universities, you can consider other more important factors such as fees or the number of opportunities instead of the requirement for the GRE.
Positions like TA have requirements such as a minimum of 26/30 for speaking in TOEFL (in reference to ASU), so do not neglect the considerably easier exams.

TIP: Take the GRE test at the center instead of at home
In case of any technical issues, people at the center will solve them. However, at home, you will be solely responsible for it. The chances of termination of the test are also high.
Secondly, some universities do not accept home GRE test results.

B. Book your slot.

Give it early so that you have enough time to retake it if necessary. Once you have the scores, you can explore universities and their deadlines. (SAVE MONEY by paying for GRE and TOEFL at the same time. You get 25% off on TOEFL using this link)

TIP: The exam dates can change at the last moment (1 hour before the exam) if the center has a technical issue. Keep this possibility in mind if you are planning a late exam date.

C. Study for the test.

Once you are above the cut-off, you can keep that factor out of your mind. (SAVE MONEY by studying well for the exam the first time itself. Exams are expensive. You can apply to three colleges on average using the GRE money).

Before the exam, check for videos/articles regarding the whole process so you can familiarize yourself with your surroundings.

D. Submit scores for free.

Before the exam, give a mock test from ETS. It will help in understanding your range of universities. Right after the test (in the center itself), you will have to submit scores to 4 universities for free. Almost everyone I know misses this or has had to send more later.

Research which universities to send it to beforehand. Things to consider while selecting these universities for sending scores: a. The university should require you to send your official GRE scores b. Make sure these universities are in your moderate or safe range instead of your ambitious range.

It’s a similar process to TOEFL. You will have to submit the universities 12 hours before the exam. If you have an exam at 10 AM, you’ll get a chance to send the scores by 10 PM the previous night.

For IELTS, you can send it to universities later on (while filling in the application forms).


It would not be efficient to make a list of universities from scratch. There are about 50 highly regarded universities. Sorting them out will take forever. Take lists from people (seniors, Youtubers, LinkedIn profiles, cousins, or friends). Once you understand the reason behind their college selection, you can prioritize your reasons.

One person can apply to colleges in specific states because he cares about the climate. But that does not have to be your most important priority.

Some websites for this process are :
1. Admits.FYI- Previous admit data
2. Gyandhan
3. Yocket for shortlisting unis

TIP: Talk to people at events/academic fairs to get a different perspective on universities. Ask people which Unis they prefer and why. And university fairs are worth it to network or get fee waivers. Attend college’s virtual events to learn about the university and reach out to seniors on LinkedIn to ask about their experience. Remember, just because someone gives you negative feedback about their experience in college does not mean yours will be too. Take information from different sources.
Through various sources, I learned that the University of Maryland Baltimore County gives a lot of scholarships. But one student from the Uni said no one he knew got a scholarship or TA position.


A. Create an Excel document

The excel sheet should have the columns: Requirements (LOR, SOP), Application link, Apply date, Deadlines (search about Special deadlines, etc.), application fees, tuition fees, emailed fee waiver, Official GRE required, Official TOEFL/IELTS required?, Rank (US News or QS World or both), GRE Quant (US News — for reference), Lists of your friends and who are applying, Location, Value of $100 per state (use this link), etc.

Some universities have rolling applications (the applications get evaluated as soon as they are received). Apply to these universities sooner so that you get your result faster. Getting an admission or rejection from one university would be advantageous in deciding your future universities application.

Example of the excel sheet

TIP: Deadlines can be deceiving
One of the most critical things to remember is that websites often give one deadline and the official school website has a different department deadline. There are different types of deadlines: financial aid and Special deadlines. Note the deadline carefully and fill in the applications in priority.

B. Understand the requirement

If in doubt, don’t be afraid to reach out. Email all the colleges on your list about their GRE and English proficiency requirements. Sometimes, the website does not clearly state this, so an email from them would be helpful.

Email template to ask the university regarding the exam requirements


You will need basic information, a transcript, LORS, and SOP. It is a tedious task that is prone to errors. Make sure someone checks everything to ensure the details are correct.

To avoid missing anything critical, create a new email address exclusively for these applications.

A. Basic information

It is easy but time-consuming, especially if you need to fill it up for ten universities and you happen to leave it till the last minute. Taking the time to fill it out in your free time will help you understand the requirements for different university programs. Choose a Sunday and apply to all the universities to learn the specifications (for SOPs, PS, and LoRs). Maintain a digital folder with GRE scores and dates for quick reference.

Application for SUNY Buffalo

B. Transcripts

Unofficial transcripts are good enough for review at most universities. You should apply for your university transcript and keep it ready before anything else.
Some universities might require a WES Credential Evaluation.


SOP is one of the most critical documents in your application process. Getting started is very difficult, so here is a tip.

TIP: Go to a coffee shop to work on your essay. It works because you go to a place for a specific purpose. Cal Newport explains how bold gestures help people focus on meaning in his book “Deep Work.” For our reference, read this.
Write down all your thoughts. Then read it over and over until you can think of a way to say it.

D. LoRs

Talk to a few professors about LoRs. They might say yes, but do not pester them too much and make the process as easy as possible. According to Texas A&M, having the LoRs from academia is the best-case scenario.

Email from the University regarding the

TIP: It is okay if a professor says no to giving an LoR. The first two teachers I asked said no, and the next three said yes. LoRs might take around two weeks in total. It will be a long process. The professors might leave town or get busy. So, do not procrastinate.


After applying, the GRE and English Proficiency requirement might be on the checklist. Go to the respective ETS sites to send scores. You will receive an email after your order to send scores. It will take approximately a week to send the score. Sometimes, the college takes time to match the scores and the applications.

The application status checklist

When it takes a lot of time for the college to match the scores, you can email the college informing them that you have sent the scores.
Email template — informing the college regarding the sent ETS scores.

Email template — informing the college regarding the sent ETS scores


Every morning have a ritual of checking your email and all the sites
Monitor the Yocket chat groups for admission patterns. For example, ASU offers admission every Thursday morning.

TIP: It will be hectic. So be patient and do not get emotionally attached to the results.

Good videos/blogs for further reference :
1. How to fill out the application?
2. Packing list
3. Cost of living per month in the US
4. How much does it cost to APPLY for a Master’s degree in the US?
5. Ultimate SOP guide

