Chat GPT-4, the AI powerhouse.

Open AI has recently announced its latest release, the powerful GPT-4. It is quicker, more extensive, and better than ChatGPT. It can analyze image-based queries along with text queries. Here’s all about it and how you can use it.

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What is Chat GPT-4 ?

It is a vast multimodal model developed by OpenAI, multimodal means GPT-4 can take inputs in more than one format i.e. text and images! While in GPT-3 and GPT-3.5 users could only ask questions in text format.

But aside from this ability, it also shows human-like performance on multiple testing fronts. In one instance it cleared a bar exam scoring in the top 10 %, now that’s some competition to aspiring lawyers 😅

You can also get your taxes done by GPT-4, thanks to the increase in its domain-specific knowledge. GPT-4 can work with up to 25000 words of text and thus help in large content text creation, and deeper and more complex text analysis.

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How does Chat GPT-4 work?

The working of GPT-4 can be easily summarized in the following 4 steps-

  1. The user asks the chatbot a question, and this piece of text gets added to the already existing long chat which consists of previously asked questions by the user and the responses given by the LLM(Large Language Model).
  2. Now there exists a very large structured database of text-based documents, which are closely related to the user’s questions and past dialogue history. This collection of multiple documents is known as context.
  3. GPT-4 then combines the asked question, the user’s dialogue history, and the context into the LLM’s token window through an API.
  4. Now the LLM has everything it needs to process your query and give the best response!

We can see in this 4-step process the chatbot can easily understand large volumes of text since it has been fine-tuned to respond to domain-specific questions. It then gathers all the necessary factual data and organizes it perfectly to give you the best response.

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GPT-4 vs GPT

How much better is it compared to GPT-3 and what are the key differences?

  1. GPT-4 is multi-lingual-

Since most of the data on the world wide web is in English, training Large Language Models can be a cumbersome task.

But GPT-4 has outperformed its predecessor by correctly answering thousands of questions in 26 different languages!

It has a staggering 71.4% accuracy in a highly complex language like Telugu! This implies users from all over the world can access it, making it more inclusive.

2. GPT-4 can work on images-

Let’s say you are hungry and upload a picture of some items in your fridge, GPT-4 can suggest different recipes based on the food items available, now that’s awesome! Not only this, but it can also process and describe the images it is being fed.

3. GPT-4 is difficult to deceive-

Since there have been past instances of previous versions of GPT giving wrong information and also raising concerns about its responses to racism and other sensitive matters, the OpenAI developers spent 6 months rigorously training GPT-4 using the “Adversarial Testing Program” to ensure it doesn’t go off limits and can be safely used by everyone.

4. GPT-4 can handle huge loads of data-

One peculiar limitation of the previous version of GPT was that it could process and produce a limited amount of data and then would just suddenly stop, which would result in a bad user experience.

GPT 3.5 could handle about 8000 words but now OpenAI has changed the entire game, as now GPT-4 can handle 64000 words! That’s an 8x increase! This makes it very useful in handling large texts and in lengthy text generation.

5. GPT-4 has better accuracy-

GPT-4 is much more advanced than its previous versions, according to the developers at OpenAI it is 40% more accurate than GPT-3.5 on factual questions.

Though it still has some flaws and is not entirely accurate it has reduced the shortcomings of its predecessor by a long margin. This will go a long way in preventing unwanted outputs and offensive responses.

Where can you try Chat GPT-4 ?

OpenAI has already collaborated with many big ventures like Stripe, Khan Academy, and Duolingo to name a few. So if you are using these services, you are already unknowingly interacting with GPT-4.

But if you want to get hands-on experience using GPT-4, you will have to pay a 20$ monthly subscription fee. This will give you immediate access to GPT-4.

However, if you don’t wish to pay, as do I 😀, there is a wonderful and less-known way to use Chat GPT-4 right away! Microsoft recently confirmed that its Bing Chatbot is implemented by using GPT-4, thus you can try out all the cool features of GPT-4 for free!


Chat GPT-4, as good as it is, is still far from perfect. It still sometimes gives away wrong information and facts, in one instance, for example, it mentioned Elvis Presley as the “son of an actor”, instead of “an American singer”.

Still, GPT-4 has become an irreplaceable tool in shaping people’s lives by powering numerous applications.

There is still a lot of work and improvement to be done and this can only be done by the team effort of the entire tech community.

