How to Make an Effective Infographic?

Sri Handayani
DSF Web Services Engineering
3 min readFeb 9, 2023

We can find infographics everywhere in the business environment. But what actually an infographic is? Why is it created? How to make an effective infographic? Let’s take a look at this article.

What is an Infographic?

Infographic is a picture or diagram or a group of pictures or diagrams showing or explaining information. It represents any information, data, and knowledge to be quickly and briefly delivered to its audiences. The use of it is believed to increase human cognition, enhance the vision system, and strengthen the ability to understand patterns and trends.

Infographic contains a compound of information and graphics. It consists of three basic elements: the visual, the content, and the knowledge. Visual consists of colors and graphics. Graphics consist of theme and reference. Reference graphics must represent the content (data and information from any credible sources) itself. The combination of both the data and the graphics will build some sort of insight. This is the knowledge.

Online trends bring up a new phenomenon where internet users usually have a shorter attention span. Infographics are effective because of their visual element. The images help humans to proceed with the text faster. Visual elements also help creators to deliver the message quicker, grab the audience’s attention, and increase popularity.

Make an Effective Infographic

  1. Tells a story — An effective infographic tells a good story. To create a good story, try to answer the following questions: What story to tell? Is it important and related to my organization? Why do I need to tell this story? To whom I will tell the story? How will I tell the story?
  2. Data accuracy — Infographics consist of enormous information. It must consist of accurate data. Accuracy can be briefly shown by the use of facts and valid information. It uses only credible resources. Do the research and put the credit in the infographic. Uncredited material is not only unethical. It can give a bad impression and mistrust.
  3. Focused on the key points — Infographics were made to help people understand the information briefer and quicker. The design is made to make the audiences keep their eyes on the key points. We need to determine the start and the end, and then fill the gap between both with the data and appropriate narration. Try to send only a single key message in an infographic.
  4. Find a new angle — Every story must be different. An angle or a point of view will give the story a new perspective. A good infographic uses an unconventional angle to grab the audience’s attention and reach the goal of sending the key message.
  5. Valuable — Ask yourself the following questions: What value do you want to bring to the audience? Do the infographics give something different to them? Do they aware of it? By creating an infographic, we wanted to send a valuable message. We need to make sure that there is a transfer of value between the creator and the audience. We need to make sure that this process runs well. At last, we need to make sure that the value was delivered.
  6. Well-structured — You have enormous information and you want to make it simpler and more understandable by your audiences. Structure helps you to reach the goal. Well-structured infographics will help you to be focused on the key points and make sure it is valuable.
  7. Make it visually appealing — Use an appropriate design to make your infographic more eye-catching. There are six components of visual encoding: spatial, marks, connection enclosure, retinal properties, and temporal encoding. Blend all those components to present an excellent design.
  8. Short, simple, and sweet copy — To deliver a clear message, an infographic needs good wording. Instead of inserting a long story, try to make it short and simple. We also need to pay attention to the types of infographics we made and the design we want to create.


