5 questions I asked myself after the Service Design Global Conference

Adrián Ager
Published in
2 min readNov 7, 2017

Last week the global Conference of the SDN came to Madrid. Instead of a summary here I bring some personal thoughts that in most of the cases are still pending of an answer. So I hope they will push you to think too and go further.

1-What’s the ROI of endings?

At the first moment the speech about the impact of endings in services sounded really good. For sure the NPS can get some variation if the last moment of relation was good but, is it enough? What are the real benefits of thinking about the one that flees?

2- Where is the line between being supportive or stodgy?

Onboardings are a key step for a good relation with the user. Unfortunately, the are not usually easy enough. Due to that, we finish providing much more info than what the user can take. So, should we start training the user step by step? Are we prepare to split the value proposition and deliver it through the time?

3-Is it an advantage that behind a product there’s always a service?

Should it be, right? It means that as service designers we are on a high demand but, are we overwhelming the products? Is the cost of infrastructure worthy? There’s no doubt that a service approach makes a difference but, how far should we go?

4-How a liquid approach can works with an expertise approach?

No matter in which side you are, most of the project proposals are covered with plenty of examples from the same sector. During the conference there was a thought about how the user expectations from other sectors can be transferred between them. So if you agree with this look, tell me; what’s the point about focusing always on one sector?

5-How can we fight versus the power of the client?

As the “voice of the client” and thanks to the empathy, it’s true that we can create a safety distance between the vision of the client and the user needs. But is it enough? How to develop new tools to tie the game? Is it possible to set red lines before facing the user?

I hope you found them interesting in some way. Let me know your thoughts in the comments!



Adrián Ager

Business Designer en Accenture. Escribo sobre innovación, tecnología y personas