Design — the forgotten chapter

Aleksandar Pleško
Published in
2 min readAug 22, 2017

New era of design brought us such a complex system of information that made us forget what design really is.

In design schools instead of teaching us how to think, solve and be creative surrounded by everyday things, they are filing us with a theoretical knowledge about how design should look.

Design should not look, it should feel. If it does not feel it is not right.

Beside all the articles and books you read about design, all the things you heard about it, all the things you know, do not forget that the design is simple.

Do not try to complicate it.

Design is visual communication that solves the problem. Design is finding the same language between product and audience by using graphic visual elements and explaining the massage on the most effective way.

Design is telling a story by expressing. But the most importantly, design is how a person feels when interacting.

UX, UI, Web, Graphic, Industrial, Product, Visual design and many many more… Is this telling you something?

So many comparisons and most of us do not even know what it means.

The design became a rule. Such a simple term became a science.

We should not make a difference between.

Are you a creative thinker?
Are you building useful products? Are you making this world a better place with your work? Are you simplifying people’s needs?

For me you are designer.

We are all designers and our goal is the same. Make the world better by simplifying the problems while using visual elements in the most understandable way. Our main purpose is communication.

Our main purpose is making audience feel amazing when interacting with a product. It’s not just about the beauty, but about the things beyond it.

When working on a product, we should ask ourselves:

  • Does it give a value?
  • Is it going to be useful for people I am making this product for?
  • Is it telling the right message?
  • Is it easy to use?
  • Is it pleasant to use?

Design is everywhere around us. By paying more attention on design as communication and less on design as art, we can make this world more simple and enjoyable to live. Let’s collaborate together.

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Aleksandar Pleško

Observing the everyday environment to solve problems that matter.