Designers with amazing side projects

.dsgnrs. team


Many designers complement their work with side projects. Side projects are a great way to grow professionally, to network, and to improve their personal brand.

AJ and

AJ is a designer & developer from Nashville, and he build stuff for the web like HTML5 UP, Pixelarity, and Carrd.

Philippe Hong and UI Garage

He is a creative person who’s passionate about making the best possible experience for people. UI/UX designer, Art Director and Front-developer from Paris.

Fabrizio Bianchi and Coolors

Fabrizio is a web/app designer/developer from Roma.

Michael Flarup and Apply Pixels

He is a danish designer, entrepreneur and keynote speaker. He love making things, going on adventures and telling stories.

Floris and Little Big Details

Floris is Sr. Product Design Manager at Etsy from Amsterdam, now living in Brooklyn. is a list of TOP designers (UX/UI & Product Designers) curated weekly.

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