How to design a better Sign Up page?

suresh kumar unnikrishnan
Published in
3 min readDec 3, 2019

A Signup page (also known as a registration page) enables users and organizations to independently register and gain access. The signup page is the last step in a business’s conversion funnel. It’s where prospects navigate after they’ve evaluated a brand and decided its service offers what they need.

Teardown of a well-designed user experience sign up page

Use a benefit-oriented headline that has a more positive impact on conversions.

Allow Sign Up and Log In via social services. This attracts the users as this feature eliminates the need to remember another password.

Keep users in the flow by sticking to a single column to avoid reorientation.

Auto-focus the first input field in the form. Autofocusing guides users to the starting point of your form.

Ask only basic information that is required for the business. If you absolutely need all that information, Keep the form as short as you can and ask for it in steps.

Do not ask the user to create a username until it is really required. Try to use email id or mobile number as their username by default.

Let users see their passwords if required. It helps users to ensure their password before their submission.

Good passwords are hard to guess. Display the users how strong and secure their password is.

Help the user with the specific password requirement if any.

Warn the users for the caps lock if it’s turned ON. It helps users from the accidental keypress (Caps Lock)

Show appropriate and clearly defined error messages. Do not use generic error messages, which leaves a user guessing.

Avoid checkboxes for Privacy Police agreement confirmation if there is no legal requirement of it.

Create a powerful action button and name them exactly what the user is doing in their task.

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suresh kumar unnikrishnan
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UI/UX practitioner, passionate about crafting every pixel into simple, beautiful and intuitive interface designs for Mobile App & Web.