How Engineering led to an Interest in Digital Media

Zach B
Digital Scholarship Lab @MarquetteRaynor
3 min readOct 26, 2018

Well, it didn’t. That title’s actually quite backwards, in fact.

Everyone always says “Oh yeah, I was a creative kid.” But only a select few actually stick with that creativity and childish nature. I had the help of playing clarinet and singing to help me realize that creativity and pin it to my identity at such an early age (fifth grade to be exact). Middle school is where I shined, however. I was the kid who did everything: drama club, both choirs, multiple bands, cross country, track & field, chess club, and even a little dabbling in student council. I embraced all of it as it came, but those performing arts clubs are what gave me the inspiration and courage to tackle all of what I did through middle school and high school.

After my 8th grade “graduation,” I continued my musical endeavors, but my hometown friend Nick and I had the bright idea of staying in touch. How so? We made those infernal YouTube gaming videos that every parent so despises. But no, I don’t regret it. Making those videos is what first got me into digital media and editing, iMovie specifically. I would sit on my laptop after Nick left my house and I’d listen through the sound clip, raising audio levels or whatnot, then moving on to the effects and the texts. It was all so engrossing, which was why I was able to look past the cringe and continue recording with Nick for four years.

I’d have to say those four years of editing helped me blossom into an engineer. It was a creative outlet that allowed me to express ideas and evaluate my vision and decide what was good enough. It’s the reason I tackle any design project in that exact fashion. I worked at Catalytic Products International over the summer as a 3D designer. While I was modeling and working their air pollution control machines during my working hours, I used the modeling software they granted me access to (Autodesk Inventor for those nerds out there) in my off hours. What did I use it for? I used it to start modeling my own ideas for the field of aviation. I’d write some details down in my notebook and then turn back to my screen and fashion bodies, parts, and whatever else I could visualize.

The process all engineering projects must go through

A common misconception is that an engineering is solely a technical and mathematical application, and while the field is grounded by these precepts, it is effectively a creative outlet. Designing in engineering is everything, and any successful design has to be creative, or else it won’t gain any traction or attention. It’s the creativity in engineers that drives our marketplace and our own innovations. Honestly, if engineering was what everyone made it out to be, it would drive me insane. If I wanted to go into a discipline dictated solely by mathematical laws, I would’ve majored in mathematics or physics. Engineering serves as a bridge between our reality and the ideas we’ve been conceptualizing since our childhood, and I’m proud that I have learned to express these ideas over the years.

