Getting Started with OnShape

Simran Bhalla
Digital Scholarship Lab @MarquetteRaynor
2 min readApr 16, 2019

What is it?

OnShape is an easy accessible online website that allows students and faculty here at Marquette to create designs to 3D print. It is a great way to explore the world of CAD and to use the new 3D printer available in the Digital Scholarship Lab. All you need to do is create an account and you can save all your fun designs in a secure cloud work space that is accessible on any device, never loses data, and eliminates design gridlock.

Getting Started

First, go ahead and create an account at the website. It’s easy and free! Just enter your name, email, and password.

To get started on your new project hit the Create icon on the top left corner of your screen. Than hit Document. Name your new document and you are on your way to creating an awesome design!

Screen cap of the OnShape website

At this point, you have the option to select which orientation you want to start your sketch on: Front, Top, or Right. Select the button Sketch in the top left corner of the screen and select which orientation you want.

Once you are in the Sketch mode, you can select any of the drawing tools listed in the toolbar on the top of the page

Now that you have created and finished your design, hit the check mark on the top left corner.

You now have options on how you want to make your sketch 3D. The most common tool to use is the Extrude button. You can pick a depth and hit the check mark.

Your last step is to import your design. Hit the toggle tab manager button all the way in the bottom left corner.

Now you know how to get started and use the basics of OnShape. If you need help or have any questions, come to the Digital Scholarship Lab in the basement of Raynor and find one of the Digital Scholarship Tutors! Their hours are Monday through Thursday 4–8pm.

