Introducing the Digital Humanities Reading Group!

The Digital Scholarship Lab is not just a place to rent a camera, to use Adobe CC software, or to record a podcast. It’s also a place to talk about and share interests and experiences in Digital Scholarship.

This semester the DSL is launching its Digital Humanities Reading Group, a once-a-month journal club where campus members can get together to discuss trends in digital scholarship, share interesting research, to explore the relationship between digital and traditional practices, or even just to ask questions and meet others also interested in Digital Humanities and Scholarship.

Our first meeting will be on Tuesday, February 6, at 12:15pm in the Digital Scholarship Lab (Raynor Library, Lower Level). There will be no reading for this first meeting, and all campus members are welcome to attend.

If you’re interested in attending, would just like more information, or would kept informed of future meetings and discussions, you can contact us at our email.

