Meet the DSL Team: David Kwasny

The Digital Scholarship Lab team is comprised not only of tutors, but also librarians and web developers. We want to introduce you to our team and first up is David Kwasny.

David is the Emerging Technologies Librarian and part of the Digital Scholarship Lab team. David got his B.S. in Information Science & Technology before pursuing his M.S. in Library Science, both from UW-Milwaukee. As a technology librarian at Raynor Memorial, David works on web development along with certain areas in Digital Scholarship, such as data analysis, web publishing, and text analysis. One of the exciting projects David has been a part of this year is the purchase of the Microsoft Surface Hub, which will be placed in the DSL space in the lower-lever of Raynor. What is the Hub? “It’s a 90-inch computer screen. It allows a tangible process of exploring digital space because you have the method of multi-touch functionality with digital objects on a large display.” In non-geek terms, this is a humongous Surface tablet placed on the wall that will encourage collaborative digital work. The Surface Hub should be going up late March/early April.

So, how can David help you? “If there’s a question about publishing web content on a website, Timeline JS, or any JavaScript libraries, I’m the person to ask. There’s also a Digital Toolbox on the library’s website that advertises all the software we’ve curated for students.” What else do you need to know about David? “I have a dog and a cat. I also collect belt buckles and Pokémon.”

