VR in the DSLab

Joe Humer
Digital Scholarship Lab @MarquetteRaynor
3 min readApr 25, 2019

What is VR? What is AR? VR or virtual reality is a computer-based immersive 3D world. Which you explore and interact with, almost as if that world is real. Where AR or augmented reality is a little harder to explain. It is a way to look at the real world with a computer-generated overlay. A great example of this is Pokémon GO. You are looking at the real world through your phone and interacting with the Pokémon that are not physically there.

Another great example of AR it actually the weather channel. They have been using AR to show people what is happening outside or what it will look like if a river floods and the water rises 10ft high. They are also using AR to make interactive sets to make it more interesting when talking about trends, extreme weather, or whatever else seems important to display. There is an excellent article by New York Magazine that you can find here that talks more about what the Weather Channel is doing. You can read it here.

This is the Rift and Sandbox in the DSLab. You can check out the controllers for the Rift at the Desk, and just walk up to the Sandbox and start playing.

The DSLab does have a few things to offer in AR and VR. The first piece of equipment that we have to offer is an AR sandbox. The sandbox is used to show topographical information. You can build mountains and trenches to see how water flow is affected. The Sandbox is a hacked Xbox 360 Kinect. Which means that the sandbox is a little limited in what it can do, but it does it very well. The sandbox is very fun and kind of Zen-like thing to play with for a few minutes of relaxation. The sandbox is out in the lab located next to the Hub

The Lab also has an Oculist Rift which is right next to the AR sandbox. The Rift is connected to a computer that is only used for the Rift, and we have two controllers for it as well. The controller for it is at the desk to check out for 4 hours.

Besides the obvious thing of playing games on the Rift there are some exciting things that you can do with it. You can travel around the world without leaving your seat — the lab as a few things like this on the rift. One, in particular, is the Anne Frank House where you can go on a virtual tour of the Anne Frank house. You can also use Google Earth and travel anywhere or fly around the world.

VR has also been used in the medical field, letting you see the human body in ways that you might not be able to see in a typical setting. VR is being used for therapy for disorders like PTSD, AD(H)D, panic attacks, stage fright, and sleeping disorders. It can be a potent tool for helping people overcome fears or helping someone readjust to civilian life. The lab is also testing out the app Oculus Medium, which can be used to make 3D models that you can export that file and print out using the labs’ 3D printers.

All of these things are very interesting, but the best things that the Rift can do is a stress reliever by playing games. We have a few games in the rift right now, but we are open to suggestions for what games and apps that you would like to see.

There are so many different things that you can do with AR and VR, and what the DSLab can offer is just scratching the surface. This technology is just starting out so there are so many cool things that you can do with it. There are still new fresh and inventive ideas coming out each and every month. I can’t wait to see what it will look like in the next year let alone the next 5.

