End of one journey. Start of another.

The profound final weeks before take off.

Approximately 6 weeks before the group were due to depart for the project; Kenya was making front page news. Two explosions stuck the Gikomba market area in East Nairobi, killing an estimated ten people and injuring dozens more. 400 British tourists were evacuated from parts of Kenya as the Foreign Office deemed there a “high threat” of terrorism in the country. Holiday makers, Thomson and First Choice, even went as far as halting all flights to Mombasa — a dangerous area in South East Kenya — until November!

Over 10 miles between Gikomba market and the Jomo Kenyatta International Airport — where the DSMS pupils landed

The Monday following, there was a scheduled meeting for both pupils and parents. At the meeting, Iain, a representative from African Adventures reassured parents who voiced concern that the press were just doing what they notoriously do best: over-exaggerating the situation. Yes, explosions had gone off however these were in an area of Nairobi which the Foreign Office have always recommended people to stay away from (which is no where near where we were going to visit anyway). Ian also informed parents that as soon as the group arrive in Nairobi they are getting on a private bus owned by African Adventures to be driven straight out of the controversial capital city.

During the meeting, Iain also reiterated travel details and information about Kenyan culture but also gave new information about the accommodation and the work that the people going on the project would be doing.

He said “The more you put into the trip, the more you will get out”.

With Ian’s words of wisdom circling round in people’s brains, the meeting ended.

