December — A Jam-Packed Month for DS Plus and PlusCoin

Denis Tekuto
Published in
3 min readDec 4, 2017

2017 has been a great year for the massively successful mobile-marketing application, DS Plus. This year saw the launch of DS Plus’ “crypto-cashback” service, which enables users to make everyday purchases using cryptocurrency. As a result the PlusCoin token, currently being distributed in an initial coin offering, has started to be called the “people’s cryptocurrency.”

The ICO has been a huge success so far — with millions of dollars raised — and PlusCoin token holders have been, for the last couple of months already, been given a number of opportunities to start using PLC to make real, useful purchases.

This month of December will be the most exciting month yet for PLC token holders — full of opportunities to make great purchases in PlusCoin.

Here’s a review of what DS PLus has in store for you this month:

December 15th 2017 — Auction on the DS Plus MarketPlace:

The upcoming MarketPlace auction will follow the same rule as all auctions:

● DS Plus will announce a starting price for the item.

● Token holders can name a price, the highest bid getting the item.

● Certain items will be open for bidding 6, 12, or 24 hours.

● The items up for bid will be announced at least 24 hours before the start of the auction.

● All bids will be visible to all token holders — DS Plus stands for transparency, after all!

December 20th, 2017 — A Fixed-Sum PlusCoin Raffle on the DS Plus MarketPlace

PLC token holders will be able to enter a raffle for a fixed quantity of PlusCoin.

● The quantity will be determined before the sale of raffle tickets begins.

● Only a limited number of raffle tickets will be available.

● The conditions of the raffle will be finalized and published 24 hours prior to the start of the event.

● The raffle will be carried out over the course of 48 hours — the planned end-date is December 22nd, 2017.

● Token holders obtain tickets for participation in the raffle by the following principle: The more tickets you have, the higher the chance you will win!

December 20th, 2017 — The Non-Fixed-Sum PlusCoin Raffle on the DS Plus MarketPlace

PLC token holders will be able to enter a raffle for a non-fixed quantity of PlusCoin.

● The size of the prize depends on the number of raffle tickets sold.

● The conditions of the raffle will be finalized and published 24 hours prior to the start of the event.

● The raffle will be carried out over the course of 48 hours — the planned end-date is December 22nd, 2017, and again over the course of 168 hours (7 days) — end-date: December 29th, 2017.

● Token holders obtain tickets for participation in the raffle by the following principle: The more tickets you have, the higher the chance you will win!

● This is a “jackpot” style raffle — the more tickets sold, the higher the prize!

December 24th, 2017 — PlusCoin’s Official Debut on the Exchanges!

● This, of course, is a big deal for token holders. PlusCoin value on the exchanges is projected to go up — fast.

● We are in discussions or have made preliminary agreements with HitBTC, Yobit, Mercatox, Bitflip, C-CEX and others.

December 29th, 2017 — Crypto Black Friday on the MarketPlace

The same great event that has been happening on the last Friday of the month for the last few months.

● The quantity and type of goods up for sale will be published at least 24 hours before the start of the sale.

● All PlusCoin token holders will enjoy a 20% discount during the sale.

● The prices of the goods up for sale will be determined 24 hours before the start of the sale, according to the value of the PlusCoin token on official exchanges. The average of these exchange values will be used.

January 1st, 2017 — Launch of the “Crypto-Mortgage from DS Plus and Zhilstroy-Lizing” Program!

More information about the groundbreaking program is being finalized and is coming soon. This will be a revolutionary new way to buy a house — with cryptocurrency!

For more information about DS Plus and the PlusCoin project, visit

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