Beyond our labels, who are we?
It’s been a little over a year since we unveiled our new brand identity, complete with an upgraded website and reconstructed logo. Several big product launches, exciting partnerships, and many new wonderful team and community members later — here we are!
Our industry has seen significant changes over the last year, exhibiting a state of constant flux and renewal familiar to many. Despite the occasional setbacks and unexpected detours, our purpose at DSRV has remained resolute: providing the essential infrastructure to underpin the future internet. Our vision of a distributed tomorrow, built on blockchain and served to you.
And now, we’re excited to share our recently released Culture Book, which includes revisited mission and vision statements, as well as a closer look at our brand voice and core values.
Into the Process
Spurred by a quickening momentum and expanding company, our team leaders embarked on a journey to weave distinct stories and goals into a single, resilient narrative. A task surprisingly harder than expected, we pushed onwards motivated by the belief that culture truly matters in Web3. Not just for us, but for every team.
Following several iterations that captured some — but not all — of the objectives intrinsic to DSRV, these are the product of nearly a year’s worth of workshops spent diligently deconstructing, remodeling, stress testing and deconstructing all over again (we’re builders after all):
Ultimately, we want to give choice back to the community. We want you to have the power to choose how you transact, create, build, and live your life (on and offline). That was our starting point, and continues to be our North Star.
We won’t get into our core values in depth here, except to say that they’re also the result of industrious, company-wide discussions on the DSRV essence. This involves what we value most when it comes to our members’ resting mindset, outlook on collaboration and team spirit, as well as the multifaceted and relentless pursuit of self-development.
A rock pile ceases to be a rock pile the moment a single man contemplates it, bearing within him the image of a cathedral.
— Antoine de Saint-Exupéry
Long story short, this is us. Born from a community that is driven, passionate, and diverse, so too does our voice convey this spirit.
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