[A co-authored article]

This Is How We Create Synergy Together and Keep It Going

A dialogue with Persistence : Collaboration, growth and building the future



We are happy to announce that DSRV and Persistence have co-authored an article about how we create synergy together as trusted partners for the future growth!

If you ever wanted to gain a deeper understanding of why DSRV and Persistence chose to have each other’s back and what core competencies we are geared up with are….. well, you’ve come to the right place to start.

Let’s dive into it.

Why Persistence Chose to Work with DSRV

Working with someone you can trust, who understands and respects your vision and has expertise to offer is always the key to creating an extraordinary partnership.

Here’s why Persistence believes DSRV makes a perfect match.

DSRV is —

  • a tech-driven team dedicated to contributing to top blockchain networks and decentralization.
  • an active contributor to the distributed ledger space by building solutions ranging from browser extension wallets, performance monitoring dashboards, staking analytics, explorers, and more.
  • backed by some of the largest corporations in South Korea, including KB, Samsung, and NAVER.

Simply put, DSRV is a complete package with expertises and experiences—Use of secure infrastructure to operate nodes and influence among communities:

  • The team builds a multi-cloud, multi-region institutional-grade staking infrastructure
💡 For further details,DSRV provides pioneering services and infrastructures including—
➣ sentry configuration that protects important servers
➣ network security firewall
➣ secure key management
➣ real-time monitoring
  • DSRV is an active member of the South Korean blockchain community, working closely with the country’s leading institutions, universities, and media and hosting community meetups in Korea

Why DSRV Chose to Validate on the Persistence Chain

  • To support the narrative that Persistence delivers; effectively bridge the realms of DeFi and traditional finance in a variety of areas
  • As a validator based in South Korea, DSRV aims to provide opportunities for global crypto ecosystem to actively get involved with the audience in Korea
  • To contribute to lay the foundation for financial innovation by supporting Decentralized Institutional Finance *Applications
🔎 Applications :The Persistence SDK facilitates accessibility, liquidity, and sustainability for developers to build innovative use-cases, hence triggering mass-adoption of the blockchain technology.

🚀 P E R S I S T E N C E


Persistence is an interoperable protocol built to facilitate the creation of next-gen financial products. The Persistence tech stack provides the infrastructure to effectively bridge the realms of DeFi and traditional finance in a variety of areas, whilst also enabling the creation of innovative crypto-facing solutions to expand the DeFi and NFT sectors.

Using the features of DeFi and utilizing NFTs to tokenize real-world assets can solve the current problems of traditional finance, thus opening the floodgates to allow a torrent of new capital into the crypto ecosystem.

In addition, Persistence’s interoperable infrastructure provides the means to create an endless array of cutting-edge crypto-facing products which can offer unique opportunities within DeFi and the NFT space that have never before been seen in the blockchain industry.

💡 Check out Persistence ecosystem’s next-gen financial dApps now live and launching in the near future

🖋 Products to Highlight

Persistence has adopted a two-pronged approach to facilitate the bridging of Traditional Finance and DeFi:

[ 1 ] Institutional Focus


Comdex is a decentralized, institutional-facing commodities trading solution that facilitates the end-to-end trade cycle including trade discovery, settlement, and finance. The application has already handled more than $55,000,000 in transaction volume and has brought more assets on-chain than all of its competitors combined.

[ 2 ] Crypto-native Focus


pSTAKE is a liquid staking application to unlock liquidity for assets staked on PoS chains, allowing stakers to boost yields from their staked assets. The total addressable market for liquidity on staked assets is over $650 billion. pSTAKE is due for launch soon!


AUDIT.one is a Staking-as-a-Service solution for proof-of-stake networks. For institutional assets managers looking to generate fixed income returns from staking-as-an-asset class. AUDIT.one provides whitelabeling solutions for hardware and software. Currently supporting more than 12 networks (and more upcoming) with $300M+ in total assets under delegation.

Asset Mantle

Asset Mantle is a framework for NFT marketplaces. As a framework, Asset Mantle will provide all of the elements required to create individual marketplaces. It will also facilitate the creation (minting) of interoperable NFTs which can flow between different blockchains. Asset Mantle can support all manner of NFTs, ranging from digital art and collectibles to tokenized tickets.


pLend is a stablecoin lending platform backed by real-world assets (such as invoices). It will enable stablecoin holders to supply liquidity to pools to support operations on Comdex, thereby producing returns for stablecoin holders from real-world income generating assets.

🖋 Community Presence to Highlight

Persistence has built a strong community presence, increasing the ecosystem’s overall adoption:


A community-focused initiative designed to facilitate the wide distribution of XPRT tokens among PoS token holders familiar with staking, thus accelerating the decentralisation of the Persistence mainnet once live. 1% of the total XPRT token supply has been allocated for distribution via StakeDrop.


interNFT is a working group consisting of the leading interoperable projects and protocols building inter-chain standards for non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and NFT Metadata. This open collaboration was initiated by the Interchain Foundation and is being facilitated by Persistence together with ixo.

XPRT Token Overview and Staking Benefits

Here’s a high overview of XPRT token and how to maximize your profits while staking the tokens.

🚀 XPRT token

$XPRT is the token around which the entire Persistence ecosystem is built, thus staking XPRT will also result in a great deal of exposure to multiple dApps in the ecosystem for stakers.

XPRT token plays 3 keys roles:

the Work Token

Stakers of XPRT benefit from the economic activity taking place within the Persistence ecosystem (Economic activity of Persistence dApps or pApps). Persistence has revenue sharing / transaction volume based fee agreements with all the dApps within its ecosystem. Increased activity on these dApps (pApps) leads to more rewards in the form of staking rewards for stakers and additional incentives for validators. This leads to value accrual for XPRT.

📌  Key takeawaysIncreased activity on these dApps (or pApps) leads to more rewards in the form of 1) staking rewards for stakers and 2) additional incentives for validators.

the Staking Token on the Persistence Main-Chain

Holders of XPRT can delegate their tokens to some of the top validators in the PoS ecosystem and earn up to 35% annual staking rewards while helping secure the Persistence chain.

📌  Key takeawaysStaking• Rewards : Up to 35%• Secure the Persistence network

Governance of Persistence Chain

The XPRT token secures the network through staking, is used to pay for fees and defines the weightage of vote for governance proposals to take critical decisions regarding the evolution of the Persistence chain.

📌  Key takeawaysGovernance• Pay for fees as incentives to secure the Persistence network through staking• Weightage of vote for governance proposals

🚀 Token Distribution

XPRT Token Distribution (source)

Validators/ Strategic Round Sale
: 10,000,000 XPRT, 10.0% of the the Total Supply at Genesis at genesis, $0.1 per token

Seed Round Sale
: 8,000,000 XPRT, 8.0% of the Total Supply at Genesis, $0.15 per token

Private Round Sale
: 6,000,000 XPRT, 6.0% of the Total Supply at Genesis, $0.25 per token

Public Round Sale (Auction)
: 1,000,000 XPRT, 1.0% of the Total Supply at Genesis

: 16,000,000 XPRT, 16.0% of the Total Supply at Genesis

: 4,000,000 XPRT, 4.0% of the Total Supply at Genesis

: 19,400,000 XPRT, 19.40% of the Total Supply at Genesis

Marketing/ Growth
: 25,600,000 XPRT, 25.6% of the Total Supply at Genesis

Validator Incentivization
: 10,000,000 XPRT, 10.0% of the Total Supply at Genesis

🚀 Token Release Schedule

100% of the Genesis XPRT token supply will be in circulation by the end of 2024.

XPRT Token Release Schedule: (source)

🚀 Staking Benefits

XPRT is an inflationary token with a genesis supply of 100,000,000 XPRT and a maximum supply of 403,308,352 XPRT. The initial inflation for XPRT will range from 25–45% with the target inflation of 35% being achieved at 66.7% of the total XPRT supply staked on the Persistence chain. Inflation halving happens every two years and the maximum supply cap is expected to be reached by the year 2035. Stakers of XPRT will be able to earn approximately 35% staking rewards for the first two years.

💡 If you want to know more about staking XPRT, 
click here to read the tutorial presented by DSRV.

In the next piece of AMA with Persistence, we’ll talk about delegation, opportunities in DeFi and how token holders can get involved with Proof of Stake with cores values DSRV and Persistence offer. Stay Tuned!

DSRV is a leading blockchain infrastructure provider based in Seoul, South Korea, dedicated to bringing distributed technology to millions of people worldwide through proof-of-stake.

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