Kaggle Solutions for everyone.

Yash Gupta
Data Science Simplified
4 min readJun 2, 2022

If you have tried working with kaggle and are always stuck with how to solve a problem, fairly because you don’t know how to solve a problem or because you’re new to it, it’s always a good thing to see the solutions and try to replicate or improve them. Kaggle solutions for everyone help people understand more about how to get going with their Kaggle journey without having to get stuck with a problem every now and then.

Kaggle has been around for a while and beginners always get lost in their journey on Kaggle because of the immense potential of learning it offers. Where to start is always a good question that has multiple answers but an even better question is how to keep going?

Learning with Kaggle solutions can help you learn to code practically and see how Kaggle Masters and Grandmasters approach a certain problem using code and solve it in the best possible ways.

In this article, we’ll touch upon the top 5 ‘learning’ competitions you can enter and 3 sources from which you can find the solutions from Kaggle Masters and Grandmasters who have solved some of the world’s toughest problems.

Before you dive into the big-time competitions on Kaggle, get done with these competitions to get your coding skills all warmed up and your basics refreshed.

Beginner ‘Learning’ Competitions on Kaggle:

Titanic — Machine Learning from Disaster:

Goodreads Books Reviews:

Store Sales — Time Series Forecasting:

House Prices — Advanced Regression Techniques:

Spaceship Titanic:

If you want to take your skills on Kaggle to the next level, you might want to try out some of the open competitions and put your coding skill to the test. These might seem difficult to beginners and therefore, it is better to try your hand at some of the previous competitions and check out their solutions to find out how you should approach similar competitions like them in your journey.

Kaggle Competitions page: https://www.kaggle.com/competitions

Following are three of the most amazing collections of Kaggle Solutions available to all;

1. Winning Solutions notebook on kaggle:

The notebook explores past kaggle competitions while giving the links to access the top 10 notebooks for each competition with information relating to the number of upvotes for each notebook as well.

2. Kaggle Solutions on GitHub:

As cited by the owner, “This repo consists of almost all available solutions and ideas shared by top performers in the past Kaggle competitions. This list gets updated as soon as a new competition finishes. It allows you to search over the Kaggle past competition solutions and ideas.”, which pretty much helps anyone on GitHub access the solutions for kaggle competitions as they occur.

3. Kaggle Past Solutions:

The website hosts kaggle solutions links to problems with information relating to the evaluation metric, the reward, and also the category of the problem to help a data science enthusiast choose better problems to learn from.

So much to learn, from real-world use of code, which every kaggle user should know about. Harness the power of these collections and enjoy learning to code from the pros at Kaggle.

Do you have any other ideas on how you can better approach Kaggle competitions as a beginner? Drop them down in the comments below for everyone to benefit from. Do let me know what are your opinions on the collections of the kaggle solutions too!

For more such articles, stay tuned with us as we chart out paths on understanding data and coding and demystify other concepts related to Data Science. Please leave a review down in the comments.

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Yash Gupta
Data Science Simplified

Lead Analyst at Lognormal Analytics and self-taught Data Scientist! Connect with me at - https://www.linkedin.com/in/yash-gupta-dss