Average Internet Stroll

Mitchell Barch
DST 3880W / Fall 2018 / Section 1
2 min readSep 13, 2018

I started by google searching something I would usually look up. I typed in “how to increase arm and shoulder size.” I am trying to create a new schedule that allows me to have enough time to exercise and eat correctly. I watched one (very informational) video on correct form and muscle growth. I quickly moved to the the recommended tab there was a video about a popular influencer. I got really bored with watching those videos because it was all “empty” content.

After that, I moved onto looking at cars. I hopped around a few different automobile brands websites and built a few different cars. At the bottom of BMW’s website there was a “careers” link. I then started browsing to see if they had any digital marketing positions. Unfortunately, I was very underqualified for any of the open positions. They were all extremely expensive which then led me to job searching. I browsed through a few applications to see what I should be doing in preparation for entering the job market. I avoid job searching because it really stresses me out but somehow I always end up eventually looking at job openings.

From there I went to my Linkedin and started to update my information. Then I started reading a few articles about professional development and habits of successful people.

I rarely go onto the internet to randomly search things. I am a digital marketer so I am consuming media for long periods of time every day. When I am home I no longer like to spend time on my computer. Almost everything I do on my computer is for a single concrete purpose. I will open multiple tabs but all of them will relate to the one thing I am trying to accomplish. It was interesting to see how quickly I was able to get deeper and deeper into the internet. I was able to make it to a lot of different “places” on the internet in only 30 minutes. The internet is getting incredibly vast and will only continue to change. I have been an avid internet use since its earlier days and even in my short lifetime there has been so much change. I can remember as a kid I would search the internet and just browse around until I found something interesting. Though, it probably wasn’t okay for me to just ponder the internet, I was introduced to a huge amount of information. I think the main reason I do not browse the internet freely anymore is because of time constraints. I am on a computer for all of my jobs and the majority of my classes so I tend to stick to my phone for leisure time on the internet.

(I had a picture of my custom Jeep I built but airdrop was not working!!)

