
Mitchell Barch
DST 3880W / Fall 2018 / Section 1
1 min readOct 24, 2018

I wanted to create an interactive story about a college student wanting to start a fitness routine. My main goal with this story (However I found it to be very broad and hard to make a concise storyline) was to show how living a healthy lifestyle must include both mental and physical strength. Without one or the other, it is incredibly hard to reach your goals. Without a positive attitude about your body and small achievements, you will lack motivation. Without physical exercise but a good vision of your ideal body you will also never reach your goals. I tried to create two storylines. One being someone who has a strong internal sense of control and sticks to the program, while the other storyline is someone who cannot get un-stuck from their current lifestyle.

I had lots of trouble with the coding so I am sorry for how bland the coloring of this is. My idea for the coloring was to start neutral and get darker and less saturated as the storyline of the person struggling went on and lighter/colorful as the other storyline of the successful person went on.

