The Quest for the Meaning of Life.

Luke Schroeder
DST 3880W / Fall 2018 / Section 1
3 min readSep 20, 2018

A young girl grabbed a back pack, some gear and map that morning and climbed the mountain before her, come what may.

South Park

Atop the mountain, she found The Old Man that cackled and howled all merry and gay.

Related image
Monty Python and the Holy Grail (1975)

The Old Man asked the shivering girl, alone and unsure what to say.

Star wars: A New Hope 1979

The terrified girl replied, keeping her tears at bay.

The Old Man questioned as if this were a game to play.

The Bachelor (2017)

The girl admitted after seeing that the Old Man wasn’t quite sure what to say.

Kevin Hart’s Let Me Explain (2013)

The girl screamed, for of all days to feel crushed down, today wasn’t going to be another one of those days.

He-Man/What’s Going On Music Video Mashup 2010

The Old Man asked the child, who appeared to be looking so lonesome and gray,

Parks and Rec

the Girl began to say,

“He’s gone, and that’s ok,”

“but it seems I have lost my way”

Adventure Time
Once Upon a Time

The girl laughed, saying its surly just a phase,

The Hangover 2009

But The Old Man thought and thought of how he could help the girl with her craze, he thought so long that the sun went down and nearly came back up , just as the mountain filled with haze.

The Wolf of Wall Street (2016)

The Old Man began, assuring her in the best of ways,

“You’ve got so much more to champion and achieve. You’ve climbed a mountain all on your own, you’ve survived the worst that life will throw I believe, and so what that he ignores you, you’re tougher than that, you’re tougher than stone!”

Harry Potter and Prisoner of Azkaban

The Old Man concluded in a rather quiet tone,

The Simpsons

and then The Old Man disappeared but the girl gave no moan, for the girl found a new energy, a new drive in her life,

For she could do anything, she could be anyone, and from that day forward she wouldn’t look back on her strife, not dabble with the edge of a knife but, be happy and merry like a tune from a fife, and say gosh darnit, I love my life.

